Here are eight significant details to come out of the outside investigation into MIT and Jeffrey Epstein.
The company has promised the temporary pumps it has been installing over the weekend would solve the problem. As much as a hundred million litres of sewage may have been discharged after a pump failure at Seafield Wastewater Treatment Plant in Leith on Friday. The apology came amid a row over the risk to public health after the public was warned to avoid contact with water. Residents have complained they were not informed quickly enough that beaches might be contaminated. And Scotland's First Minister Jack McConnell has called for a full investigation. Approximately 1,000 litres a second of partially diluted sewage has been pumping into the Forth. The plant, run by Thames Water, treats sewage for 800,000 people in and around Edinburgh. 'Catastrophic failure' Helen Lennox, Scottish Water's head of corporate affairs, apologised to customers for the inconvenience caused. She said: "This was a catastrophic failure at a pumping station and we have been working around the clock to fix it.
"On investigation our engineers found the repair was a much larger operation than first anticipated and we have had to locate specialist pumps from other parts of the UK". The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has already said that emergency measures to "minimize the risk of pollution" were being put in place and has warned the public not to come into contact with the water. The failure affected just one of the flows going into the treatment works and that Seafield continued to treat the rest of its intake as normal. John Rae, the General Manager of Customer Operations for Scottish Water, explained the sewage flow would have to be diverted before higher capacity pumps could be installed. "The line that's coming in where we have the problem is only about a quarter of the total flow that Thames actually treat. Now in saying that, it's still a huge flow that's actually coming in - so they have to be able to divert that fully to stop the emergency overflow from running." Investigation calls Gordon Greenhill, head of community safety at Edinburgh City Council, said the sewage spill raised public health concerns but would not be a long-term environmental problem.
"The volume of sewage going into the Forth estuary is a concern as it has the capacity to come back on to the shore," he said. "Any raw sewage has human pathogens in it which has the capacity to make people ill." Residents in Leith have long campaigned about the smell from the plant. Rob Kirkwood, the chairman of Leith Links Residents' Association, said: "It has an infrastructure that is basically Third World technology." Meanwhile Scotland's First Minister Mr McConnell said that it was essential that there was an "immediate investigation into the mechanical failure that has apparently caused this spillage and what action needs to be taken as soon as possible to ensure that such a mechanical failure does not occur again". The SNP and the Scottish Greens questioned the viability of the private finance initiative scheme that was used to install and manage the treatment facilities at Seafield. And Conservative deputy leader Murdo Fraser called the incident a "catastrophe" for the local environment. |
俄羅斯與喬治亞(前蘇聯一共和國:the former Soviet republic)交惡,陸、空都有戰事,彼此相互指責。
A U.N.-led investigation is set to issue a final report as early as this week on a March air-and-ground attack in Georgia. Russia and the former Soviet republic blame each other for the incident.
-led (PLANNED)
planned or controlled by a particular person or thing:
child-led activities (= children deciding what to do)
U. N.-led 聯合國主導的
verb [T]
to examine a crime, problem, statement, etc. carefully, especially to discover the truth:
Police are investigating allegations of corruption involving senior executives.
[+ question word] We are of course investigating how an error like this could have occurred.
noun [C or U]
An investigation has been under way for several days into the disappearance of a thirteen-year-old boy.
a full/thorough investigation of the incident
Currently, the individuals who might have caused the accident are subject to/under investigation.
adjective (FORMAL investigatory)
Children are encouraged to take an investigative approach to learning.
the investigatory panel
noun [C]
Investigators have studied the possible effects of contamination.
a private investigator
━━ vt. 調査[研究]する, 捜査する; (容疑者を)取り調べる.
━━ vi. 調査する, 研究する ((into)).
in・ves・ti・ga・tion ━━ n.
in・ves・ti・ga・tive, in・ves・ti・ga・to・ry
━━ a. 調査の[に関する]; 探求心旺盛な.
investigative reporting [journalism] 調査報道 ((マスコミ独自の調査によるもの)).
noun [C]
an event which is either unpleasant or unusual:
an isolated/serious/unfortunate incident
A youth was seriously injured in a shooting incident on Saturday night.
INCIDENT 事故 不期望發生的事,依不同的狀況,可能造成人員傷害、或財物損害、或資源損失。有時用以形容幾乎發生的事故,例如兩架飛機靠得太近。在警衛而言,事故可指偷盜造成的財物損失。意外洩放危害物質通常亦稱之,因為假設此事故不會立即造成人員受傷、財物損壞、或明顯的環境危害。