2023年2月19日 星期日

Homer 不 讀為荷馬 。Buddha dharma法(梵語)

famous verse from the Bhagavad Gita went through my mind. Whenever there is a decline in dharma — this is me paraphrasing Krishna speaking to the epic hero Arjun — and a consequent surge in adharma, I bring myself forth: “In order to reestablish dharma, and to deliver the just while annihilating the unjust, I appear in eon after eon.” “Dharma,” one of the great untranslatable Indic words, can mean “duty,” or “religion” or “vocation,” but it is fundamentally a duty to oneself, to one’s nature. It is the dharma of fire to be hot, and of water to cool.

碧咸七旋斬為倫敦開波 香港新浪網 - Hong Kong 【明報專訊】在充滿中國文化味道的京奧閉幕禮上,「倫敦8分鐘」帶來令人熟悉的英倫感覺,會「變身」的紅色雙層巴士、英國搖滾樂、倫敦街頭風光突然在「鳥巢」出現,英格蘭國腳「萬人迷」碧咸更以黃金右腳踢出足球,為2012年倫敦奧運倒數Kick Off(開波)。 ... ch 碧咸即David Beckham 貝克漢,但據說H不發音,「咸」「漢」二者均譯錯。「空中英語教室」創辦人Doris Brougham 是其一例。 yl
「波」廣東話念ball hc BBC 辣妹乐队歌手维多利亚和她的著名球星丈夫贝克姆再次受到了死亡威胁。 H 不發音之一原因 是以前用它來表示外來語之重音 我在1977年與希臘人談 才知道 Homer 不是荷馬 ch (張華)

請問H 不發音有無規則? yl (梁永安)
Buddha Buddha dharma

dhar·​ma ˈdär-mə ˈdər- Hinduism : an individual's duty fulfilled by observance of custom or law. Hinduism and Buddhism. : the basic principles of cosmic or individual existence : divine law. : conformity to one's duty and nature.

Dharma Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

Rituals and rites of passage[1]
Yoga, personal behaviour[2]
Virtues such as ahimsa (non-violence)[3]
Law and justice[4]
Sannyasa and stages of life[5]
Duties, such as learning from teachers[6]

Dharma (/ˈdɑːrmə/;[7] Sanskritधर्मromanizeddharmapronounced [dʱɐrmɐ] (listen)Palidhamma) is a key concept with multiple meanings in Indian religions, such as HinduismBuddhismJainismSikhism and others.[8] Although there is no direct single-word translation for dharma in European languages,[9] it is commonly translated as "righteousness", "merit" or "religious and moral duties" governing individual conduct.[10][11]

In Hinduism, dharma is one of the four components of the Puruṣārtha, the aims of life, and signifies behaviours that are considered to be in accord with Ṛta, the order that makes life and universe possible.[12][note 1] It includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and "right way of living".[13] It had a transtemporal validity.[14]

In Buddhism, dharma means "cosmic law and order",[12][15] as expressed by the teachings of the Buddha.[12][15] In Buddhist philosophydhamma/dharma is also the term for "phenomena".[16][note 2]

Dharma in Jainism refers to the teachings of Tirthankara (Jina)[12] and the body of doctrine pertaining to the purification and moral transformation of human beings.

In Sikhism, dharma means the path of righteousness and proper religious practice and one's own moral duties toward God.[17]

The concept of dharma was already in use in the historical Vedic religion, and its meaning and conceptual scope have evolved over several millennia.[18] The ancient Tamil moral text Tirukkuṟaḷ, despite being a collection of aphoristic teachings on dharma (aram), artha (porul), and kama (inpam),[19]: 453 [20]: 82  is completely and exclusively based on aṟam, the Tamil term for dharma.[21]: 55  As with the other components of the Puruṣārtha, the concept of dharma is pan-Indian. The antonym of dharma is adharma.

"But all I want is 'enry 'iggins 'ead!"



在傳統印度社會中,法在歷史上已經指稱了各種思想,比如吠陀儀式,道德指導、種姓制度和民法與刑法。它的最常用含義附屬著兩個基本思想: 社會生活應當通過良好定義或良好調控的等級(varna)來組織,而在某等級內的個人的生活應當組織成確定的階段(ashrama,參見 dharmasastra)。[1]

依據各種印度宗教,比如印度教佛教耆那教錫克教,如法生活的人更快趨向解脫(dharma yukam, moksha 或 nirvana)。而不如法(adharma)意味著不和諧、不道德或錯誤。



法的梵語字根來自dhr-,意思為保持、支撐,並且和拉丁語表示堅固、穩定的詞彙firmus相關[3],由此得來「既定、公認的慣例」以及「律法」的意思。其源自古老的吠陀梵語梨俱吠陀等),拼法為帶有n-詞幹dharman-,字面意思為承擔者、支撐者,而這是指吠陀宗教中的重要概念──ṛta/ˈrɪtə/梵語 ऋत ṛta,秩序、規則、真理)的面向而言[4]阿維斯陀語中表示真實、正確、秩序的詞彙aṣ̌a(𐬀𐬴𐬀)為ṛta的同源詞,在古波斯語中拼作arta(𐎠𐎼𐎫)。



