A federal appeals court yesterday threw out a major component of the Bush administration's effort to reduce unhealthy levels of soot and smog in Eastern and Midwestern states, a decision that environmental groups worry will delay action on air pollution well into the next administration.
(By Del Quentin Wilber and Marc Kaufman, The Washington Post)
SMOG 煙霧 空氣污染(氮氧化物及碳氫化合物因陽光作用而形成),是由各種不同來源逸出污染物因化學反應而形成。亦稱光化學煙霧。
SOOT 煙灰 不完全燃燒產生的碳粉塵。參閱Dust(粉塵);Smoke(煙塵)。
throw sth away/out (GET RID OF) phrasal verb [M]
to get rid of something that you do not want any more:
So when are you going to throw away those old magazines of yours?
1 [T usually + adverb or preposition] to throw something carelessly:
He glanced at the letter and then tossed it into the bin.
The bull tossed him up into the air.
[+ two objects] Andrew tossed him the ball.
2 [T] If you toss your hair or a part of your body you move it up and back suddenly:
She tossed her head in annoyance.
She tossed back her hair.
3 [T] When you toss food you shake or mix small pieces of it together with a sauce or dressing:
a tossed salad
carrots tossed in butter
4 UK toss a pancake to quickly and suddenly lift the pan in which a pancake (= thin, flat round cake) is cooking so that the pancake goes up into the air and turns over before falling back into the pan
noun [C]
a sudden quick movement:
"I don't care, " she replied with a toss of her head.