2023年6月25日 星期日

recognition, trying , ostracism, represented the country’s most dramatic power struggle

This was a recognition that had never in the slightest manner entered into my mind, and it was hard for me to realize that I was to be honoured by a degree from the oldest and most renowned university in America. As I sat upon my veranda, with this letter in my hand, tears came into my eyes. My whole former life -- my life as a slave on the plantation, my work in the coal-mine, the times when I was without food and clothing, when I made my bed under a sidewalk, my struggles for an education, the trying days I had had at Tuskegee, days when I did not know where to turn for a dollar to continue the work there, the ostracism and sometimes oppression of my race, -- all this passed before me and nearly overcame me.

(思果 )這是我心裡從來沒有絲毫想到的對我的抬舉,這樣一座美國歷史最悠久,最著名的大學,把容譽學位送給我,是我難以想像的事情。 我坐在走廊上,手上拿著這封信,眼淚充滿了我的眼眶。 我以前的種種生活經歷--我在大農場裡做奴隸,在煤礦裡做工人,那一段無衣無食的時,睡在木板鋪的行人道下面,為受教育的掙扎,特斯特基的艱苦的日子,有時為了繼續辦我的事業,我連一塊錢都不知那裡去找,我的同胞對我的排斥和壓制(此處翻譯不完全--hc)--這一切都重上心頭,使我難以支持。


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recognize (ACCEPT), UK USUALLY recognise Show phonetics
1 [T] to accept that something is legal, true or important:
The international community has refused to recognize (= officially accept the existence of) the newly independent nation state.
[+ (that)] He sadly recognized (that) he would die childless.
You must recognize the seriousness of the problems we are facing.

2 [T often passive] If a person's achievements are recognized, official appreciation is shown for them:
The Prime Minister recognized her services to her country by awarding her an MBE.

recognized Show phonetics
If someone or something is recognized, it is generally accepted that they have a particular position or quality:
Professor Jones is a recognized authority on ancient Egypt.
Violence in schools is a recognized problem.

recognition Show phonetics
noun [U]
1 an acceptance that something is true or legal:
It's a new country, hoping for diplomatic recognition from the international community.
[+ that] There's a growing recognition that this country can no longer afford to be a nuclear power.

2 If you are given recognition, people show appreciation of your achievements:
Ella complained that the company never gave her any recognition for her work.
He was presented with a gold watch in recognition of (= to show appreciation of) his years as club secretary.
━━ n. 認識, 承認; (状況などの)理解; 表彰, 報酬; 見覚え, あいさつ; 【心】再認.
beyond [out of] (all) recognition 見分けのつかないほど, 見るかげもなく.
in recognition of …を認めて, …の報償として.

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not by any manner of means UK OLD-FASHIONED
not in any way:
I'm not satisfied with his excuse - not by any manner of means.

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try (WORRY) Show phonetics
verb [T]
to worry or annoy someone or upset a person's patience with many, often slight, difficulties:
The demands of the job have tried him sorely.
He's been trying my patience all morning with his constant questions.
Her endless demands would try the patience of a saint (= are very annoying).

trying Show phonetics
annoying and difficult:
I've had a very trying day at work.
He can be rather trying at times.


━━ n. 【史】貝殻[陶片]追放; 追放.


