Watch as a time-lapse video captures an industrial-strength snow blower tackling a foot of snow in downtown Appleton, Wis.

JAKKS Pacific(r) Recalls Spa Factory(tm) Aromatherapy Kits Due to Explosion and Projectile Hazards (
China has often deployed the P.L.A., along with a separate paramilitary force, the People’s Armed Police, to respond to natural disasters, social unrest and other domestic security issues. Tai Ming Cheung, a senior fellow at the Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation at the University of California at San Diego, said that in addition to preparing for a possible conflict with Taiwan, China was “focused on projecting power inside its borders, to ensure social stability.”
The Toro Company Reannounces Recall of Electric Blowers Due to Projectile Hazards
Hazard: The blower's impeller, which is a rotating component on the blower, can break, resulting in pieces of plastic flying out of the blower. This poses a risk of serious injury to the user or a bystander.
See definition in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Line breaks: blow¦er
Pronunciation: /ˈbləʊə/
See definition in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Line breaks: blow¦er
Pronunciation: /ˈbləʊə/
Definition of blower in English:
verb [T]
to throw or direct something forwards, with force:
Ninety percent of the projected missiles will hit their target.
an object that is thrown or fired forwards, especially from a weapon:
The second projectile exploded after hitting a tank.
━━ vt. 投げ出す; 突き出す[出させる]; 発射[放出]する ((into)); 投影する ((on, onto)); 計画する, 考案する; はっきり伝える, (うまく)表出する ((as)); (ある状況に)心を向ける, (身を)置いてみる ((into)); 予想する.
━━ vi. 出っ張る; 考えをはっきり伝える; 遠くまで聞こえるような声を出す; (自分勝手に)勘ぐる.
project oneself into 自分が…であるように思う, …に身を置いて考える.

n. 計画, 企画; (開発)事業; 研究課題; 〔米〕 住宅団地(計画).
project control 【コンピュータ】プロジェクト統制.

━━ n., a. 発射物[体] ((ロケット,弾丸など)); 発射できる, 発射する[される]; 推進する.
━━ n. 突出(部), 突起; 射出, 発射; 【数】投影(法); 【地理】投影図法; 【映】映写; 映写物; 【心】(観念・情緒などの)投射; 計画; 予測.
pro・jec・tion・ist n. 【映】映写技師.
projection booth 〔米〕 映写室; 照明(操作)室.
projection room 映写室; 映画鑑賞室.
projection television 投影型テレビ ((スクリーンに映像を拡大投影する)).
pro・jec・tive ━━ a. 投影の; 【数】射影の; 【心】投影(法)の.
projective geometry 投影幾何学.
projective test 【心】投射テスト.
project management program 【コンピュータ】プロジェクト管理プログラム.
project manager プロジェクトマネージャー ((プロジェクトチームのリーダー)).
pro・jec・tor ━━ n. 計画者; 投光器; 映写機.
project plan 【コンピュータ】プロジェクト計画.
project schedule 【コンピュータ】プロジェクト・スケジュール.
━━ vi. 出っ張る; 考えをはっきり伝える; 遠くまで聞こえるような声を出す; (自分勝手に)勘ぐる.
pro・jec・tion・ist n. 【映】映写技師.
projection booth 〔米〕 映写室; 照明(操作)室.
projection room 映写室; 映画鑑賞室.
projection television 投影型テレビ ((スクリーンに映像を拡大投影する)).
projective geometry 投影幾何学.
projective test 【心】投射テスト.