2019年3月12日 星期二

inflection, inflection point, turning point

This week will be a turning point for Britain and Brexit. Yes, it's been said before, but this time it looks to be real. Britain's Parliament is scheduled to hold crucial votes that will clarify what happens next. Here's what to know.

Wikipedia's Community Is at an Inflection Point
Tuesday, Dec 1 at 6:17 PM

When the wall came down

After East Germany announced the easing of border controls, thousands
stormed the Berlin Wall and demanded its opening. Deutsche Welle looks back
at the events connected with this turning point in European history.

The DW-WORLD Article
The authors conclude by quoting W. Edwards Deming who typically closed his week-long, very intense, quality seminars with a comment most will remember for their entire lives. With all the proper voice inflections he said, "There is no need to do any of this ----------- (very long pause), failure is always an option."

inflection (GRAMMAR), UK ALSO inflexion
noun [C]
a change in or addition to the form of a word which shows a change in the way it is used in sentences:
If you add the plural inflection '-s' to 'dog' you get 'dogs'.

'Finds' and 'found' are inflected forms of 'find'.

inflection (SPEECH), UK ALSO inflexion
noun [C or U]
the way in which the sound of your voice changes during speech, for example when you emphasize particular words:
His voice was low and flat, with almost no inflection.


--> ━━ vt. 曲げる; 【文法】(語形を)変化させる; (声の)調子を変える.
━━ vi. 【文法】屈折[語形変化]する.
in・flect・ed ━━ a. 【文法】屈折[語形変化]を行う.
 ━━ n. 屈曲; 【文法】屈折(語尾); 音調の変化, 抑揚.
in・flec・tion・al a.

inflection point; knee; point of inflection 反曲點;迴折點;拐點(此為中國採用)
「山東省環保局局長張凱說,他已經在關注“庫茲涅茨環境曲線”理論在中國出現拐點的時機 ... 那麼,能不能說山東省已經進入了“庫茲涅茨環境曲線”理論中所描述的拐點階段? ... 」 「國家環境保護總局(State Environmental Protection Administration)副局長張力軍在週二的新聞發佈會上說﹕“我們相信今年主要污染物排放總量會出現拐點。”


inflection point
A moment of dramatic change, especially in the development of a company, industry, or market.
An event that changes the way we think and act.
-Andy Grove, Founder of Intel.

Investopedia Says: For example, the fall of the Berlin Wall was an inflection point in global politics and the commercialization of the Internet was an inflection point in technology.

Think of it as a turning point. When a company makes a major strategic change it is said to be "at an inflection point." This profound change could be positive or negative.

這表明一直沉溺于低價炒作、低附加值代工、成本掛帥、產能競賽等同質化粗放成長方式的中國空調業正在尋找新的藍海,品質革命成為突圍的新拐點 ...
inflection point

Plot of y = x3 with inflection point of (0,0).


