2024年1月28日 星期日

wrecker, Home wrecker, husband stealer! a pink setting of early-blooming sakura. train wreck, meals on wheels

The Economist

Italy’s prime minister has routinely been dubbed a neo-fascist by her political enemies in Italy and by alarmed liberals across Europe. But 15 months in, she seems to be conventional rather than a wrecker https://econ.st/3OhnpvJ
Image: Getty Images


Enjoy a pink setting of early-blooming sakura in Nichinan, Miyazaki Prefecture.

這是許多年來第一次進入BBC的學習英文網 聽一則短劇

Home wrecker, husband stealer!

More alarming? Some students of the Japanese debacle say they see a similar train wreck heading for the United States.

Frank Meisler

A Jewish artist born in Danzig, who escaped the Holocaust and came to live in Jaffa during the 1960s. He helped save Old Jaffa from the wreckers ball. It is now an artists’ quarter.
正確似為 the wrecker's ball

Meals on Wheels

Type: Private - Not-for-Profit
On the web: http://www.mowaa.org
Meals on Wheels Association of America helps fuel programs throughout the US that deliver meals to people who are elderly, homebound, disabled, or otherwise at risk of going hungry. It provides information, via conferences and newsletters, and tools, including bulk purchasing services, to Meals on Wheels programs that are members of the association. Meals on Wheels Association of America also works to obtain government grants and distribute money to local meal delivery programs. The Meals on Wheels concept was developed in the UK during WWII and introduced in the US in 1954.

英美 Wikipedia article "Meals on Wheels".

最近報載,南投中寮鄉龍眼林社區,自921之後就組成一個共同廚房,志工媽媽每天做便當送給獨居老人,8年來已送出超過100萬個便當。這種服務,國外稱為Meals on wheels,台灣除了龍眼林社區,也有不少地方政府或志工團體在推展這種服務。  除了Meals on wheels,國外也常有的Books on wheels服務,國內似乎就較少見。Books on wheels其實就是圖書館居家服務(The Home Library Service;簡稱HLS),亦即將圖書館的圖書資料,送到不方便出門或生病在家的老人和殘障人士手上,....

---想讀書?圖書館送書到你家 王岫  (20071203)


-->  ━━ n. 破壊; 挫(ざ)折; 難破(船); (難破船の)漂着物; 残骸(がい); (車などの)ぽんこつ; 落ちぶれた人, やせ衰えた人.
 go to wreck (and ruin) 破滅する.
━━ vt. 難破させる[する]; 破壊[破滅]する, 損なう; 取り壊す; 難破船を救助[修理,略奪]する.
 wreck・age ━━ n. 難破, 破壊; 残骸, 難破貨物.
 wrecked ━━ a. 〔俗〕 麻薬でもうろうとしている.
 wreck・er ━━ n. 破壊者; 難破船略奪者; (建物などの)解体業者; レッカー車; 〔米〕 救難列車; サルベージ業者[船].



  1. One that wrecks or destroys: a wrecker of dreams.
    1. One who is in the business of demolishing old buildings.
    2. One who dismantles cars for salvage.
    1. A person, vehicle, or piece of equipment employed in recovering or removing wrecks, especially a truck with a hoist and towing apparatus used in towing disabled or wrecked vehicles.
    2. One that salvages wrecked cargo or parts.
    1. One who lures a vessel to destruction, as by a display of lights on a rocky coastline, in order to plunder it.
    2. A plunderer.

就車而言 同 tow truck noun [C] (UK ALSO breakdown truck)
a truck with special equipment for pulling a vehicle that is not working to a place where it can be repaired


wrecker Show phonetics
noun [C]
US FOR breakdown truck



(rĕk'ər) pronunciation

  1. One that wrecks or destroys: a wrecker of dreams.
    1. One who is in the business of demolishing old buildings.
    2. One who dismantles cars for salvage.
    1. A person, vehicle, or piece of equipment employed in recovering or removing wrecks, especially a truck with a hoist and towing apparatus used in towing disabled or wrecked vehicles.
    2. One that salvages wrecked cargo or parts.
    1. One who lures a vessel to destruction, as by a display of lights on a rocky coastline, in order to plunder it.
    2. A plunderer.

WordNet: stealer
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The noun has one meaning:

Meaning #1: a criminal who takes property belonging to someone else with the intention of keeping it or selling it
Synonym: thief


Episode 135: A mobile mystery
Alice: So how was it?
Khalid: I can't quite believe I'm saying this but it actually wasn't that bad!
Alice: Really? That dentist must have been something special. Oh, sorry Khalid, excuse me. Oh it's Paul. Hello darling. Haven't heard from you in ages. What have you been up to?
Woman: Who am I speaking to?
Alice: I beg your pardon? Who am I? Who are you, more like it?
Woman: No, I asked you first.
Alice: No, you phoned me. So you must know who I am but I don't know who you are. You're calling from Dr Paul Laver's phone. Have you stolen it?
Woman: If there's any stealing going on, it's you who's doing it.
Alice: What are you talking about?
Woman: Home wrecker, husband stealer!
Alice: Mrs Laver? Lucy?


