2015年1月21日 星期三

ceal, consciousness, Oval Glass Ceiling, consciousness-raising

Observer: The Next Frontier Is Your Brain

A sweeping new scientific initiative could help us understand memories, dreams and the nature of consciousness.

It couldn’t have been easy for Craig, a special counsel in the Clinton White House who directed the response on impeachment, to break away from the Clintons and help the insurgent Obama shatter Hillary’s dream of shattering the Oval glass ceiling.

Rotterdam’s first immigrant mayor breaks with tradition

In Holland, a Muslim immigrant has shattered a political glass ceiling.

The DW-WORLD Article

Oval Glass Ceiling


Blogging’s Glass Ceiling

Last weekend, about a thousand bloggers, almost all without the Y chromosome染色體, attended the annual BlogHer conference, which began in 2005 to help female bloggers gain exposure. It has since evolved into a corporate-sponsored Oprah-inflected version of a ’60s consciousness-raising group.

Blogging has come a long way from its modest beginnings. These days, there is money to be made, fame to be earned and influence to be gained. And though women and men are creating blogs in roughly equal numbers, many women at the conference were becoming very Katie Couric about their belief that they are not taken as seriously as their male counterparts at, say, Daily Kos, a political blog site. Nor, they said, were they making much money, even though corporations seem to be making money from them.

glass ceiling

An unacknowledged discriminatory barrier that prevents women and minorities from rising to positions of power or responsibility, as within a corporation.

Pronunciation: /siːl 

Definition of ceil in English:


[WITH OBJECT] archaic
Line or plaster the roof of (a building):the nave has been ceiled in wood


late Middle English (in the sense 'line the interior of a room with plaster or panelling'): perhaps related to LatincelareFrench céler 'conceal'.
[名]1 [U]((またa 〜))(…の)意識[知覚](をもっていること);正気;自覚((of ...));(…に)気づいていること((of ..., that節)) the conscious...

The process of achieving greater awareness, as of one's own needs or of a political or social issue.


