2023年12月14日 星期四

offence, offense, howler, take offence, flagrante delicto, interloper. high crimes or misdemeanors.

"I did come to feel that we probably don’t need to worry too much about these alt-Right guys hi-jacking Classics if they make such a mess of it. We just need to keep on pointing out the howlers."

Rule number one is always, don’t quote Latin if you don’t know it!

"Mr. Big, the dung beetle, for instance, regularly patrols his tunnel to check on Mrs. Big, and if he catches her in flagrante delicto, he throws the interloper out."
Richard Conniff; Close Encounters of the Sneaky Kind; Smithsonian (Washington, DC); Jul 2003.

The charge of high crimes and misdemeanors covers allegations of misconduct by officials. Offenses by officials also include ordinary crimes, but perhaps with different standards of proof and punishment than for non-officials, on the grounds that more is expected of officials by their oaths of office.

offence Line breaks: of|fence
Pronunciation: /əˈfɛns/

(US offense)

Definition of offence in English:


1breach of a law or rule; an illegal act:the new offence of obtaining property by deception
1.1A thing that constitutes a violation of what is judged to be right or natural:the outcome is an offence to basic justice
2[MASS NOUN] Annoyance or resentment brought about by a perceived insult to or disregard for oneself:he made it clear he’d taken offenceI didn’t intend to give offence
3[MASS NOUN] The action of attacking someone or something:[AS MODIFIER]: reductions in strategic offence arsenals
3.1(offense)ˈɒfɛns North American The attacking team or players in a sport, especially in American football:he is a wide receiver, playing on offense


no offence
informal Do not be offended:OK, lady, no offence, just shooting my mouth off as usual


Late Middle English: from Old French offens 'misdeed', from Latin offensus 'annoyance', reinforced by French offense, from Latin offensa 'a striking against, a hurt, or displeasure'; based on Latinoffendere 'strike against'.
offense (英式拼法 offence)當不可數名詞,是「冒犯」、「生氣」,take offense 就是感覺受冒犯、因為某某事而動怒、生氣、被激怒,按流行通俗說法,是「不爽」,按某台灣鄉民的說法,是「起度爛」。參網友譯 https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.⋯⋯)。

flagrante delicto (fluh-GRAN-tee di-LIK-to) adverb
In the very act of committing the offense; red-handed.
[From Medieval Latin, literally, while the crime is blazing.]

interloper [C] DISAPPROVINGsomeone who becomes involved in an activity or a social group without being asked, or enters a place without permission:
Security did not prevent an interloper from getting onto the stage at the opening ceremony.


不知是自由時報還是聯合新聞網的世界日報要聞組的哪個爛翻譯起的頭,經過其他媒體一再複製,錯誤到處流竄,但錯的不會變成對的,依舊是糟糕的烏龍誤譯。A howler is still a howler.
《經濟學人》最新一期關於台灣總統選舉專文的標題 A Tsai is just a Tsai,這just意為「只是、僅是、不過是」,為何一經翻譯,變成「就是」?還好,大約只有七八成媒體這樣亂譯亂解讀。
但所有媒體都一致誤譯了一個詞,或者大剌剌複製誤譯。倒數第二句話 China might easily take offence (意思:中國可能很容易感覺受冒犯)很瞎地誤解成「 中國將可輕易採取攻勢」,且還把英文「take offense 」附上去。那位翻譯,分明向全世界宣傳自己的翻譯有多白痴。
take offense 從來沒有「採取攻勢」的意思。「採取攻勢」英文是 take the offensive (注意要加個the並使用offensive這個名詞)。

A kiss is still a kiss / a sigh is just a sigh. 吻依舊是吻,嘆息也只是嘆息。聽歌: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Do2⋯⋯
A Tsai is just a Tsai. 蔡英文不過是蔡英文。只是個蔡英文而已。這標題只不過又是一個經濟學人式的標題,取Tsai/sigh的諧音趣味。
But a howler like this is more than just a howler. It makes Taiwanese media an international laughingstock. 可是,這般瞎譯不只是瞎譯,而是讓台媒成為國際笑柄。



看總統大選 《經濟學人》:蔡英文就是蔡英文

2016-01-08 20:45
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕隨著2016總統大選投票日即將來臨,各黨的競選活動也更加熱絡,今下午《經濟學人》(The Economist)則在網站上發表一則「蔡英文就是蔡英文(A Tsai is just a Tsai)」為題的文章,內容談及蔡英文目前雖情勢大好,有機會在取得國會足夠的支持下穩健推動改革,但若未來上台仍將面臨挑戰,特別是在有關兩岸局勢的議題上。
該文也用副標題寫道,「傾向獨立的新總統將讓台灣重回國際的鎂光燈焦點」(The election of an independence-leaning president would put Taiwan back in the international spotlight),並在文中指出,雖然台灣的年輕一代多認同自己就是台灣人,但蔡英文未來若執政,也將面臨兩岸問題,隨著過去8年的台海休兵即將結束,蔡英文除在黨內可能須處理要求獨立的聲音,更會面臨來自中國的壓力,因為中國的軍方勢力可能會促使習近平要對台施壓。文章也針對南海議題分析,若台灣太拙於應對,中國將可輕易採取攻勢(take offense)。


經濟學人:蔡英文雖情勢大好 執政面臨挑戰

2016-01-10 03:15 世界日報 要聞組/綜合8日電
經濟學人關注台灣選舉,及選後情勢。 (翻攝自經濟學人)分享距離台灣總統大選只剩下一週,英國「經濟學人」8日刊登一篇分析台灣選情文章,內容談及民進黨候選人蔡英文目前雖情勢大好,有機會在取得國會足夠的支持下,穩健推動改革,但未來執政後,仍將面臨挑戰,特別是在有關兩岸局勢的議題上。
「經濟學人」8日發表一篇標題為「蔡英文只是蔡英文」(A Tsai is just a Tsai)的文章指出,雖然馬政府執政期間致力推動兩岸交流,並於新加坡與對岸領導人會面,但其嘗試和平統一的政策方向、青年失業、房屋高漲都成為馬政府的痛腳。而過去六個月來,傾向獨立的蔡英文40%至45%的民意支持度,穩定領先。

該文也用副標題寫道,「傾向獨立的新總統將讓台灣重回國際的鎂光燈焦點」,並在文中指出,雖然台灣的年輕一代多認同自己就是台灣人,但蔡英文未來若執政,也將面臨兩岸問題,隨著過去八年的台海休兵即將結束,蔡英文除在黨內可能須處理要求獨立的聲音,更會面臨來自中國的壓力,因為中國的軍方勢力可能會促使習近平要對台施壓。文章也針對南海議題分析,若台灣太拙於應對,中國將可輕易採取攻勢(take offense)。


  1. 1.
    a very stupid or glaring mistake, especially an amusing one.
    "the occasional schoolboy howler would amuse the examiners"
    synonyms:mistakeerrorblunderfaultgaffeslip, slip of the pen; More
  2. 2.
    a fruit-eating monkey with a prehensile tail and a loud howling call, native to the forests of tropical America.


