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"... The Garden of Forking Paths 19 A wife as asource of intellectual companionship, an aspect of Simon's own marriage he clearly enjoyed. Similarly, Simon took women on as graduate students once they began ..." sta・tion・er第 28 頁 Correction of the error in the bill, and replacement of the defective notebook, must have wiped out the profit on the sale and left the customer with a resolution to try some other stationer on future orders... |
n. The relationship of companions; fellowship.
Companies are taking less office space, driving down rents in most U.S. markets and giving tenants an edge.
基於提及艾塞克斯平定蒂龍叛亂失敗,因此劇本被認為創作於1599年初。[1]1600年8月14日,《亨利五世編年史》被列入出版業公會(Stationers Company)的目錄。
這 company意思很多 值得注意
(kŭm'pə-nē)n., pl. -nies.
- A group of persons. See synonyms at band2.
- One's companions or associates: moved in fast company; is known by the company she keeps.
- A guest or guests: had company for the weekend.
- The state of friendly companionship; fellowship: was grateful for her company; friends who finally parted company.
- A business enterprise; a firm.
- A partner or partners not specifically named in a firm's title: Lee Rogers and Company.
- A troupe of dramatic or musical performers: a repertory company.
- A subdivision of a military regiment or battalion that constitutes the lowest administrative unit. It is usually under the command of a captain and is made up of at least two platoons.
- A unit of firefighters.
- A ship's crew and officers. See Usage Note at collective noun.
To accompany or associate with.
[Middle English compainie, from Old French compaignie, from Vulgar Latin *compānia, from *compāniō, companion. See companion1.]
━━ n. ((単複両扱い)) 連隊; (普通pl.) 大勢 ((of)).

vt. 連隊[団体]に編成する; 統制する.

━━ a., n. 連隊(付き)の (the ~al colors 連隊旗); (pl.) 軍服.
reg・i・men・ta・tion ━━ n. (連隊)編成; (軍隊的な)組織化; 統制.
━━ n. 【軍】(歩兵)大隊; (pl.) 大軍 (armies).
n.營- An army unit typically consisting of a headquarters and two or more companies, batteries, or similar subunits.
- A large body of organized troops.
- A great number: battalions of ants.
[French bataillon, from Old French, from Italian battaglione, augmentative of battaglia, from Vulgar Latin *battalia. See battle.]
━━ n. 同席; 交際; 交友, 仲間; お客(たち); 同席の人々; 人なか, 人前 (in ~ 人前で); ((単複両扱い)) 一団, 一座; 連中; 会社, 商会; 【軍】((単複両扱い)) (歩兵)中隊; 【海事】乗組員; 消防団; 〔米話〕 (the C-) 国家の諜(ちょう)報機関; ((形容詞的)) 会社の; とりすました.
and company ((普通& Co.の形で)) …商会; …等(ら), …派[グループ].
be good company 交際して(みて)おもしろい.
be in good [bad] company よい[悪い]仲間と交わっている.
err [sin] in good company えらい(人たち)も同じことをしている(自分だけ悪いのではない).
for company (旅の)連れとして; おつきあいに (weep for ~ もらい泣きする).
in company with …と連れ立って.
keep company with … / keep … company …と交わる.
part company with …と絶交する.
present company excepted ここにいらっしゃる方々は別ですが.
Two's company, three's a crowd. 2人ならいい仲間だが3人では仲間割れ.
company car 貸与高級乗用車 ((会社が役員などに用意する)).
company law 会社法.
company man 経営者側の社員, 会社人間.
company manners よそいきの行儀.
company secretary (会社の)法律・財務担当(重役).
company town 企業(依存)都市.
company union 〔米〕 企業内労働組合.