I figured he was heading to Google’s San Francisco offices, which are two blocks from mine, so coincidentally I ended up following him for a couple of blocks.
Apologies to Sergey if this observation seems intrusive (seriously, I was just hoofing it back to the office!). But his wanderings struck me in a couple of ways that at least indirectly said something to me about Google and its management. …
Bruce Adler, Actor With Yiddish Roots, Is Dead at 63
Mr. Adler was an actor and song-and-dance man with roots in the Yiddish theater who hoofed successfully onto Broadway and was nominated for two Tony Awards.
(yĭd'ĭsh)The language historically of Ashkenazic Jews of Central and Eastern Europe, resulting from a fusion of elements derived principally from medieval German dialects and secondarily from Hebrew and Aramaic, various Slavic languages, and Old French and Old Italian.
[Yiddish yidish, Jewish, Yiddish, from Middle High German jüdisch, Jewish, from jude, jüde, Jew, from Old High German judo, from Latin Iūdaeus. See Jew.]
hoof Show phonetics
to kick a ball:
The defender hoofed the ball up the field.
v., hoofed, hoof·ing, hoofs. v.tr.
To trample with the hoofs.
v.intr. Slang.
- To dance, especially as a professional.
- To go on foot; walk.
hoof it Slang.
- To walk.
- To dance.
vision was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
the ability to see:
She has very little vision in her left eye.
Page 56 Carl Rogers 迎85歲
My poor vision is my only major physical flaw. Reading, always a central part of my life, is now difficult and laborious. But to have only one serious ...
My poor vision is my only major physical flaw. Reading, always a central part of my life, is now difficult and laborious. But to have only one serious ...
vision (MENTAL IMAGE) Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 an idea or mental image of something:
We see in his novels his sinister, almost apocalyptic, vision of the future.
Johnny was late home and, as usual, I had visions of him lying dead in some alley.
Page 41
Certainly we have extended our vision of what can be done in very large groups. So those are some of the activities — all extremely profitable to me — into ...
Certainly we have extended our vision of what can be done in very large groups. So those are some of the activities — all extremely profitable to me — into ...
2 an experience in which you see things which do not exist physically, when your mind is affected powerfully by something such as deep religious thought or drugs or mental illness:
She had visions in which the angel Gabriel appeared to her.
beatific union:天人合一;與主幸福共融。
beatific vision:榮福直觀;享見天主;真福神視:指完全淨化的靈魂直接面見無限美善天主的圓滿境界。善人在今生,直接、清楚地體驗到無限美善的天主,但有限 的人類只能窺豹一斑,卻足以使人靈魂超拔,歎為觀止。而在天堂上的善人始能達到與天主合一的圓滿境界。
vision, beatific:榮福直觀。詳見 beatific vision。
vision, mystical:神見;神示;神視;異象;直觀:指人祈禱時,突然由內心浮現的某種形像或知覺,感覺與天主近在咫尺。
visionary Show phonetics
noun [C]
a person who has a religious or spiritual experience in which they see a holy person who is not living or they see a holy event that cannot be explained scientifically
visionary Show phonetics
vision (VIEW OF THE FUTURE) Show phonetics
noun [U]
the ability to imagine how a country, society, industry, etc. could develop in the future and to plan in a suitable way:
He didn't have the mental agility or vision required for a senior politician.
The new theatre company director is a person of great artistic vision.
張華先生:「用「願景」翻譯 vision,據我所知是宏碁的施振榮創舉,可能是台灣地區專用。聖經中文用語別有一格,思果也談過。讓我譯也一定出錯,要不然就是字字查考,累個半死。」
hc:「不 。這(願景),是{第五項修煉:學習型組織}在1990?的創新譯法,從佛教的「願」出發。」
visionary Show phonetics
noun [C]
a person who possesses the ability to imagine how a country, society, industry, etc. will develop in the future and to plan in a suitable way
visionary Show phonetics
a visionary author
visionary thinking
- double vision
- tunnel vision (SEEING)
- tunnel vision (THINKING)
- twenty-twenty vision
- sb's field of vision
- 20/20 vision
昨天接到【愛網 會訊】,這是隔壁「真理堂」的組織。
這在企業上叫 vision statement
2007/5/17 晚上9點多,聽「台北愛樂」,彭先生播 Sir Michael Tippett( -Composer, conductor, writer, humanitarian, philanthropist) 的 "Vision of St. Augustine," ,他一下就用「願景」翻譯 vision,當然走調,我所知道的基督教翻譯是「『異象』或『顯聖』」。
"Vision of St. Augustine ," 在繪畫上有數個軼事,譬如說聖人 St Jerome 來信告訴他他即將「登天」;他在海灘遇見小孩,對談之間給他絕對的啟示…….
不過後來我查 Sir Michael Tippett作品簡介,知道這 vision 其實是St. Augustine 的《懺悔錄》中探討永生的(The centerpiece of the Vision of St. Augustine is his vision of eternity ),我就可以查周士良先生的譯本(根據拉丁文。北京:商務印書館, 1963;台北:哲出版社(1984 民 73) ;台北:台灣商務印書館,1998)
周士良先生的譯文有感情。我查他資料,中文 6頁, 99%是:周士良譯《懺悔錄》。另外,還有一筆:《江南傳教史》,高龍鞶著,原上海土山灣印書館石印本,由上海周士良譯出,譯稿三十多本,藏上海教區圖書館資料室。』
張華先生:「用「願景」翻譯 vision,據我所知是宏碁的施振榮創舉,可能是台灣地區專用。聖經中文用語別有一格,思果也談過。讓我譯也一定出錯,要不然就是字字查考,累個半死。」
hc:「不 。這(願景),是{第五項修煉:學習型組織}在1990?的創新譯法,從佛教的「願」出發。」
beatific union:天人合一;與主幸福共融。
beatific vision:榮福直觀;享見天主;真福神視:指完全淨化的靈魂直接面見無限美善天主的圓滿境界。善人在今生,直接、清楚地體驗到無限美善的天主,但有限 的人類只能窺豹一斑,卻足以使人靈魂超拔,歎為觀止。而在天堂上的善人始能達到與天主合一的圓滿境界。
vision, beatific:榮福直觀。詳見 beatific vision。
vision, mystical:神見;神示;神視;異象;直觀:指人祈禱時,突然由內心浮現的某種形像或知覺,感覺與天主近在咫尺。
adjective, noun [C]
(a person who is) involved in or connected with improving people's lives and reducing suffering:
The prisoner has been released for humanitarian reasons.
The United Nations is sending humanitarian aid (= food and supplies to help people) to the areas worst affected by the conflict.
The well-known humanitarian, Joseph Rowntree, was concerned with the welfare of his employees.
- Joseph Rowntree (educationist) (1801–1859), English grocer and educational reformer
- Joseph Rowntree (philanthropist) (1836–1925), son of the above, English chocolate manufacturer and philanthropist