英文Sack of Shit是大爛人之意。
President Trump has disparaged NATO’s huge new headquarters as too expensive. But for this frequent visitor, it was a needed replacement for the ramshackle old structure. I once nearly lost my foot going through a rotten floor thrown together when Charles de Gaulle threw NATO out of France in 1966.
What are the hardest items for autonomous cars to identify? Plastic bags, debris and puddles top the list
什麼是自動駕駛汽車識別最難的項目? 塑料袋,碎片和水坑位列榜首
Elon Musk is among the 116 robotics and AI pioneers who want the UN to take action against a possible autonomous weapons arms race. Our cartoonist David Simonds sketches the news
Amid Tin Shacks, a Luxury Hotel Rises
In the Kliptown section in the town of Soweto, South Africa, $180-a-night hotel rooms that peer across Walter Sisulu Square sit 30 yards from tin shacks.
Metelkova City, a ramshackle collection of nightclubs, galleries, nonprofit organizations and studios, is a self-declared autonomous culture zone.A robot that can open doors and find electrical outlets to recharge itself. Computer viruses that no one can stop. Predator drones, which, though still controlled remotely by humans, come close to a machine that can kill autonomously. Silesia steps up its bid for more autonomy in Poland
Poland’s southern industrial province of Silesia, is putting pressure on
the government to grant the region more autonomy.
The DW-WORLD Article
The editor in chief of Wired magazine hopes to turn autonomous drones from an enthusiasts’ hobby into the future of commercial aircraft.

n., pl., -bies.
An activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure.
[Middle English hobi, hobyn, small horse, hobby horse, perhaps from Hobin, Hobby, nickname for Robert.]
hobbyist hob'by·ist n.hob·by2 (hŏb'ē)

n., pl., -bies.
Any of several small falcons of the genus Falco, formerly used for catching small birds or game.
[Middle English hobi, from Old French hobe, hobel.]
Model building as a hobby involves the creation of models either from kits or from materials and components acquired by the builder.
書名/作者 | Building experiments : testing social theory / David Willer, Henry A. Walker |
出版項 | Stanford, Calif. : Stanford Social Sciences, c2007 |
1 DISAPPROVING badly or untidily made and likely to break or fall down easily:
There's a ramshackle old shed at the bottom of the garden
2 badly organised:
We need to reorganize this ramshackle system.
autonomy noun [U]
the right of a group of people to govern itself, or to organize its own activities:
Demonstrators demanded immediate autonomy for their region.
The universities are anxious to preserve their autonomy from central government.
independent and having the power to make your own decisions:
an autonomous region/province/republic/council
台灣的譯手頗多,今天注意到何穎怡的台北大耳朵。她提到的On the Road 之
Dear Liang and HC,
1980 年左右去過美國的人,會發現有一家 Radio Shack 的專賣電子產品的連鎖店相當顯眼,依據維基百科:
The company was started as "Radio Shack" in 1921 by two brothers, Theodore and Milton Deutschmann, who wanted to provide equipment for the then-nascent field of amateur, or ham radio.
所以創店兩兄弟似乎意指他們的店是專賣 radio 產品的 shack,也就是說賣無線對講機(如火腿族 ham)設備的小棚子,雖然後來 Radio Shack 已經進駐各大 shopping mall.
Ken Su
Pronunciation: /ʃak/
Translate shack | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish noun
[no object] (shack up) informalOrigin:
late 19th century: perhaps from Mexican jacal, Nahuatl xacatli 'wooden hut'. The early sense of the verb was 'live in a shack' (originally a US usage)
A shack is a type of small, often primitive shelter or dwelling.
It is possible that up to a billion people worldwide live in shacks.[1] Fire is a significant hazard in tight-knit shack settlements.[2] Shack settlements are also sometimes known as slums orshanty towns.
In Australian English shack can also refer to a small holiday house with limited conveniences, for instance it may not have running water or electricity.
In oilfield drilling (Canada) a shack can also be the word for a wellsite trailer. Structures that were once notorious among oilfield workers for being cramped, uncomfortable and generally unpleasant to be in are now no longer good enough for companies that are serious about employee retention.