2019年11月22日 星期五

paradigm, Commencement, present, confer, certificate conferring, paradigm shift

 certificate conferring ceremony of state recruited experts

The V.C. Paradigm Shift
Alan Patricof, the venture capitalist, says the risk/reward equation for backing start-ups has changed. More»

"More than once I have been asked what was the greatest surprise that ever came to me. I have little hesitation in answering that question. It was the following letter, which came to me one Sunday morning when I was sitting on the veranda of my home at Tuskegee, surrounded by my wife and three children: --
不只一次有人問我:那一件事是我一生中最大的意想不到的事。 答復這個問題,我絲毫不用躊躇。 這就是下面的這封信。 一個主日早上,我坐在特斯特基家裡的走廊上,我的妻子和三個孩子圍在我面前,信來了……

Harvard University, Cambridge, May 28, 1896.

President Booker T. Washington,

My Dear Sir: Harvard University desired to confer on you at the approaching Commencement an honorary degree; but it is our custom to confer degrees only on gentlemen who are present. Our Commencement occurs this year on June 24, and your presence would be desirable from about noon till about five o'clock in the afternoon. Would it be possible for you to be in Cambridge on that day?

Believe me, with great regard,

Very truly yours,
Charles W. Eliot."

   英特爾在於東京召開的奈米技術國際學會“4TH International Nanotechnology Conference on Communication and Cooperation(INC4)”的“More than Moore”會議上,發表了題為“New paradigms of scaling for MEMS application”的演講。介紹了該公司研究MEMS微細化的情況。   

首 先,Valluri R Rao認為,決定MEMS微細化的要素包括:電子、磁、機械、光、熱等,同時表示,與LSI相同,製造工藝的特性也有可能給微細化造成困難。Rao根據上 述微細化限制因素,列舉了決定微細化的3點:(1)製造、(2)MEMS部分與LSI部分的集成、(3)封裝。   關於(1)製造,Rao提到了在MEMS中經常發生的黏貼現象。黏貼現象是指通常設計為互相分離的兩個結構體在毛細管力的作用下貼附在一起,無法分 離。該現象會在兩個結構體中充滿製造使用的液體時產生。當該現象在MEMS開關中出現時,導通狀態將無法關閉。一般來說,如果結構體為mm以上等級,那麼 執行器的力將遠大於毛細管力,不會出現問題,但是,當結構體縮小到μm等級時,毛細管力將不斷加大,使該問題趨於明顯。也就是微細化程度越高,黏貼現象越 容易產生。   要避免這一問題,可以採用不使用液體的製造方法。在蝕刻製程中不使用濕法刻蝕,利用基於電漿的DRIE(deep reactive ion etching)和基於氣體的氣相蝕刻。還可以採用把元件置於CO2達到超臨界狀態的環境中,使其乾燥的方法。另外,在可能產生黏貼現象的結構體表面上塗 佈防水塗層,防止液體滯留的方式也是有效的。   

作為與其他製造相關的項目,Rao就成膜製程中應力分佈誤差導致的彎曲做了詳細介紹。 在介紹中,Rao舉出了使成膜的應力差互相抵消的方法。其內容包括:堆疊薄膜、控制SiGe等化合物的組成比,控制退火溫度曲線等。   另外,作為形成微細結構體的代表範例,Rao談到了CNT(碳奈米管)製造。眾所週知,CNT具有優良特性,能夠引領微細化,其面臨的課題在於如何找 出現實的製造方法。Rao表示,該公司已經提出了多個CNT結構方案。(記者:三宅 常之)

go a long way towards doing sth

Percey Bridgman's operationalism also went a long way toward undermining the simplistic naive realism of earlier science: The Logic of Modern Physics,

"paradigm locking" mindset 心中以為自己發現的東西是基本的 其他有問題之現場為"非我族類" 輕易地一笑置之

■日文原文 “MEMSの微細化”,Intelが「More than Moore」セッションで語る(2)

paradigm was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
paradigm shift

戴明修煉 III"--"choose the paradigm of service."






Oprah speaks to Class of 2008

Oprah Winfrey, who called out "O-Eight" to a cheering Class of 2008, delivered Stanford's Commencement address June 15 at Stanford Stadium. She encouraged graduates to trust their feelings, learn lessons from failures, and, in their life and careers, "choose the paradigm of service." 此為"戴明修煉 III"
To see Oprah's address in its entirety, please visit youtube.com/stanford. --推薦此精彩演說

verb [I or T] FORMAL
to begin something:
We will commence building work in August of next year.
Shall we let the meeting commence, gentlemen?
[+ ing form of verb] Unfortunately, he commenced speaking before all the guests had finished eating.

1 [C or U] FORMAL the beginning of something:
Would passengers please put out cigarettes before the commencement of the flight.

2 [C] US a ceremony at which students formally receive their degrees

noun [C] FORMAL
a model of something, or a very clear and typical example of something:
Some of these educators are hoping to produce a change in the current cultural paradigm.

adjective FORMAL

confer (GIVE)
verb [T] -rr-
to give an official title, honour, or advantage to someone:
An honorary doctorate was conferred on him by Edinburgh University.

present (PLACE)
adjective [after verb]
in a particular place:
The whole family was present.
There were no children present.

1 [S] when someone or something is in a place:
She was overawed by the presence of so many people.
The presence of pollen in the atmosphere causes hay fever in some people.
He's usually quite polite in my presence.
The document was signed in the presence of two witnesses.

2 [C usually singular] a feeling that someone is still in a place although they are not there or are dead:
His daughter's presence seemed to fill her empty bedroom.

3 [S] a group of police or soldiers who are watching or controlling a situation:
The United Nations has maintained a presence in the region for some time.
There was a strong police presence at the demonstration.

4 [U] APPROVING a quality that makes people notice or admire you, even when you are not speaking:
stage presence
He stood there in the corner of the room, a dark, brooding (= worrying) presence.


