numbers make it look like an epidemic. Well, it's not. It's
preposterous. This is a concoction to justify the giving out of
medication at unprecedented and unjustifiable levels."
a psychologist and professor emeritus at Duke University, criticizing
the rise of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or A.D.H.D.
diagnoses and prescriptions for stimulants.
Andrew Testa for The New York Times
The Bartender With a Lab Coat
The mixologist Tony Conigliaro at the Drink Factory, his liquid
laboratory in London. He has gained attention by concocting signature
cocktails from exotic ingredients.
Harvard Search of E-Mail Stuns Its Faculty Members
Faculty members expressed dismay that Harvard administrators secretly search e-mail accounts to see who had leaked a memo about cheating.
Ubuntu Invites Phone Makers to Cheat on Google
A mobile version of the world’s most widely used Linux operating
system shows promise, but it will face stiff competition.
In Singapore, Taking Butter With Your Coffee
Old-school coffee
shops called kopitiams dot nearly every neighborhood in the country,
pouring thick coffee concoctions that occasionally include butter.
Psychotherapist charged with manslaugher after lethal group therapy
A Berlin psychotherapist faces charges of manslaughter and assault after he
reportedly gave his patients a poisonous concoction of amphetamines,
heroin, and ecstacy. Fellow therapists called him a "charlatan."
The DW-WORLD Article
Job Test Spawns Culture of Cheating
Online personality tests have helped retailers to automate hiring. But the tests are also creating a culture of cheating and raising questions about their fairness.
Satyam Computer Chairman Raju admitted he concocted key financial results, including a fictitious cash balance of more than $1 billion. The revelation will likely prompt investors to question the validity of corporate results in India.
A Wink and a Diploma
Maryland concocts a way to let failing high school seniors graduate.
WITH THE deadline drawing closer for Maryland's new graduation requirements to take effect, an estimated 4,000 high school seniors are still failing. The solution of state education officials is to allow principals and local superintendents to waive the rules for certain students unable to pass the exit exams. So much for the noble effort to make a high school diploma really mean something.
The cheated-upon spouses of the world have a new hero, and her name is Jenny Sanford. The wife of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford announced on Dec. 11 that she is filing for divorce and has handled the denouement of her marriage in a way that makes losing a husband to an affair almost look like a shrewd career move.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1947305,00.html?xid=newsletter-weekly#ixzz0ZiG5AExC
It stars Tim Matheson as a cheated-upon husband who can't stay down after his
wife's (Jennifer Jason Leigh) unsuccessful attempt to poison him results in ...
A Cheat Sheet for Keeping Resolutions
Sue Shellenbarger tracks down people who have stuck to their New Year's
resolutions to explore what separates the winners from the losers.
cheat sheet
- A document, especially a sheet of paper, containing information, such as test answers, used for cheating.
- A document containing summarized information used for quick reference.
verb [T]
1 to make something, usually food, by adding several different parts together, often in a way that is original or not planned:
He concocted the most amazing dish from all sorts of unlikely ingredients.
2 to invent an excuse, explanation or story in order to deceive someone:
He concocted a story about working late at the office.
Pronunciation: /kənˈkɒkt/
Translate concoct | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish verb
[with object]Derivatives
(also concoctor) noun
mid 16th century: from Latin concoct-, literally 'cooked together', from concoquere. The original sense was 'refine metals or minerals by heating', later 'cook'- concoct
- [動](他)1 〈口実・話を〉でっち上げる;〈計画などを〉考える, 仕組む;〈陰謀などを〉企てる concoct an alibiアリバイをでっち上げる.2 〈飲み物などを〉混ぜ合わせて作る;調...
- concoction
- [名]1 [U][C]調合物, 混合飲料, 調合薬;(計画などの)でっち上げ, 作り話, 策謀.2 [U]混ぜ合わせて作ること, 混合, 調合.
noun [C or U]
the result or process of concocting something
(măn'yə-făk'chər)v., -tured, -tur·ing, -tures. v.tr.
- To make or process (a raw material) into a finished product, especially by means of a large-scale industrial operation.
- To make or process (a product), especially with the use of industrial machines.
- To create, produce, or turn out in a mechanical manner: “His books seem to have been manufactured rather than composed” (Dwight Macdonald).
- To concoct or invent; fabricate: manufacture an excuse.
To make or process goods, especially in large quantities and by means of industrial machines.
- The act, craft, or process of manufacturing products, especially on a large scale.
- An industry in which mechanical power and machinery are employed.
- A product that is manufactured.
- The making or producing of something.
[From French, manufacture, from Old French, from Medieval Latin *manūfactūra : Latin manū, ablative of manus, hand + Latin factūra, working of a metal, from factus, past participle of facere, to make.]
manufacturable man'u·fac'tur·a·ble adj.manufactural man'u·fac'tur·al adj.
manufacturing man'u·fac'tur·ing n.新聞:下述cook up 似為雙關語
McDonald's Cooks Up Energy-Savings Plan
McDonald's will try to use a networking system to more efficiently control everything from milk-shake machines to lights, in an effort to curb energy use.
The verb cook up has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: prepare or cook by mixing ingredients
Synonym: concoct
Meaning #2: make up something artificial or untrue
Synonyms: fabricate, manufacture, make up, invent
cook up 〔話〕 でっち上げる.
cook sth up phrasal verb [M] INFORMAL
to invent a story, plan, etc., usually dishonestly:
She'd cooked up some weird scheme that was going to earn her a fortune.
I had to cook up an excuse about my car breaking down.--
cook/dance/talk, etc. up a storm MAINLY US INFORMAL
to do something with a lot of energy and often skill:
Rob was in the kitchen cooking up a storm.
- 発音
- tʃíːt
- cheatの変化形
- cheats (複数形) • cheated (過去形) • cheated (過去分詞) • cheating (現在分詞) • cheats (三人称単数現在)
1 [III[名]([副])]〈人を〉欺く, に一杯食わせる;〈人から〉(物を)だましてまきあげる((of, out of ...));〈人を〉だまして(…)させる((into ...))
cheat a customer
[類語]本当でないことをそうであると意図的に思い込ませるという意味ではdeceiveがもっとも一般的な語. cheatはとりわけ,
自己の利益のためにという意味合いを伴い, 特に金銭をまきあげるという場合によく使われる. trickは巧みにという意味合いが強調される.
3 ((古))〈退屈・疲労・悲しみなどを〉まぎらす(while away).
1 〈人が〉(…で)詐欺[ぺてん, かたり]を働く;ごまかし[不正, カンニング]をする((at, in, ((米略式))on ...))
cheat in [on] an examination
2 [I([副])]((略式))(…を欺いて;…と)浮気する((on ...;with ...))
1 詐欺[ぺてん]師;(氏名・身分などの)詐称者.
2 ごまかし;[U]不正行為, 詐欺;カンニング(▼cunningは「ずるい」の意);いかさまトランプ;《法律》詐取.
2 ごまかし;[U]不正行為, 詐欺;カンニング(▼cunningは「ずるい」の意);いかさまトランプ;《法律》詐取
3 《植物》カラスノチャヒキ(chess).
[中英語eschet(復帰)の短縮形. eschetとは封建時代, 人が死んで適当な跡継ぎがいない場合, 領主に所有物を復帰したことをいう. この際, 所有物に対する権利を主張する人たちはごまかされたと感じたため, 意味が変化した. △ESCHEAT]