2009年2月9日 星期一

heartfelt, legitimacy, in play

"Most heartfelt, I thank my typewriter."Larry McMurtry, upon accepting an award for his writing

"Consider putting in big letters at the beginning of the PDF document: 'IF YOU DID NOT PAY FOR THIS PDF, YOU ARE DEPRIVING THE AUTHOR OF HIS LEGITIMATE INCOME.' Add a heartfelt, personal plea not to 'steal' the book, and make it really easy for people to legitimize their stolen copy by paying you for it, no questions asked.

on Page 50: " ... suited to Instruments, and so on. Stories, carried to completion, are explorations in the limits of legitimacy, as Hayden White has pointed out"

JONATHAN SPENCE: The debate is so focused now on how on earth can this generation of leaders pass on peacefully to the next succession of leaders the power they hold at the moment in China without gaining some other source of legitimacy.

TOP STORY 某家族大企業內訌
Family Feud at Viacom: Is It in Play?

Viacom chairman Sumner Redstone and his daughter, Shari, have grown increasingly estranged and have been in talks that could lead to Ms. Redstone's leaving the boards of both Viacom and CBS, The New York Times reported. The discussions could also result in Mr. Redstone buying out his daughter's roughly 16 percent interest in both companies. Mr. Redstone did not deny that such talks had taken place, but a spokeswoman for Ms. Redstone said no formal proposal had been made for such a deal or for her departure from the corporate boards, which was first reported on The Wall Street Journal's Web site Thursday.

Shares in Viacom rose Thursday afternoon, potentially signaling that the succession issues raised by Ms. Redstone's possible departure could lead to a sale of some or all of Viacom.

in/out of play
describes a ball that is/is not in a position where it can be hit, kicked, etc:
The ball had gone out of play.
She managed to keep the ball in play.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


in play
1. In action or operation. For example, A number of conflicting forces were in play, so the outcome was uncertain. It is also put as bring into play, meaning "to put into action," as in The surprise witness brought new evidence into play. [Mid-1600s]
2. In sports, in a position to be legally or feasibly played, as in The ball is now in play. [Late 1700s]
3. In business, in a position for a possible corporate takeover, as in After a news item said the company was in play, the price of its stock began to rise. [Colloquial; second half of 1900s]

strongly felt and sincere:
heartfelt relief
FORMAL Please accept my heartfelt apologies/thanks.
legitimate adjective
1 allowed by law:
The army must give power back to the legitimate government.

2 reasonable and acceptable:
He claimed that the restaurant bill was a legitimate business expense.

3 A legitimate child is one whose parents are legally married at the time of his or her birth.

Most foreign visitors to Britain enter the country legitimately (= legally).

noun [U]
The government expressed serious doubts about the legitimacy of military action (= about whether it is allowed by law).

legitimize, UK USUALLY legitimise

verb [T] (US legitimate) FORMAL
The government fears that talking to terrorists might legitimize (= make acceptable) their violent actions.


