2009年1月6日 星期二

an ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary

By the time she died four years ago, Susan Sontag had been for decades a kind of intellectual plenipotentiary, novelist, culture critic and that most unlikely of all job categories, famous essayist.

"The Ambassador of Jesus" by Paula Rego was one of the more than 100 works of art destroyed in the warehouse fire.
 1. 【人】 大使,使節,特使 ( embassy, minister )
the American Ambassador to Japan 美國駐日本大使
the Japanese Ambassador in London [to the Court of St. James's] 日本駐英大使
an ambassador extraordinary 特命大使
an ambassador plenipotentiary 全權大使
an ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary 特命全權大使
an ordinary [resident] ambassador 常駐[駐在]大使
a roving ambassador 巡迴大使,無任所大使.



Invested with or conferring full powers: a plenipotentiary deputy.

n., pl. -ies.

A diplomatic agent, such as an ambassador, fully authorized to represent his or her government.

[Medieval Latin plēnipotentiārius, from Late Latin plēnipotēns, plēnipotent-, invested with full power : Latin plēnus, full + Latin potēns, powerful; see potent.]


━━ n. 全権大使[委員].
━━ a. 全権を有する; 絶対的権力の.


