2008年5月31日 星期六

school, chaperon/chaperone, drill, drill bit

Demonstration of an oscillating square hole drill bit

noun [C]
1 (especially in the past) an older person, especially a woman, who goes with and takes care of a younger woman who is not married when she is in public:
HUMOROUS She's asked me to go to the cinema with her and Andrew, I think as a sort of chaperone.

2 a female nurse who is in the same room when a female patient is examined by a male doctor, or a police officer who protects a person injured by a criminal when they are in public

3 US an older person who is present at a social event for young people to encourage correct behaviour:
Several parents acted as chaperones for the school disco.

verb [T]
MAINLY HUMOROUS Do you trust him on your own or do you want me to chaperone you (= go with you)?
US Several parents volunteered to chaperone class bus trips.

Reuters - USA
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Defense Ministry officials may be assigned to chaperone US troops on nights out during a drill on the northern island of Hokkaido ...


━━ n. 学校; 授業(時間); 校舎, 教室; (時にthe ~) 全校生徒(と教員); 養成所, 塾; (大学の)学部; 〔英〕 (大学の)学位試験科目; (pl.) 学位試験; 修業(の場所); 学派, 流派; 【楽】教則本. Close-order drill instructions or exercises for military units or personnel.
after school 放課後; 学校卒業後.
at school 学校で; 在学中で; 授業中で.
go to school 通学する; 就学中である.
in school 〔米〕 在学中で; 校内で.
leave school 卒業[退学]する.
of the old school ((よい意味で)) 古風な.
out of school 学校外で; 卒業して.
━━ vt. 訓練する, 教育する ((in)).
school age 就学年齢, 学齢.
school・bag 学校かばん.
school board 〔米〕 教育委員会.
school・book 教科書.
school・boy 男(子)生徒.
school bus スクールバス.
school・child 学童.
school committee 〔米〕 教育委員会.
school day 授業日.
school days 学校時代.
school dinner [lunch, meal] (学校)給食.
school district 〔米〕 学区.
school・fellow 学友.
school・girl 女生徒.
school governor 〔英〕 学校の理事.
school・house 校舎. 〔英〕 (学校隣接の)教員宿舎.
school・ing ━━ n. 学校教育; 実地教育; (通信教育の)教室授業; 学費.
school leaver 〔英〕 義務教育を終了したばかりの[終了する予定の]若者, (義務教育)新卒者.
school・man (またS-) (中世の)(神学)教授, スコラ哲学者; 〔米〕 教師.
school・marm 〔話〕 女教師; やかましい[先生くさい]人[女].
school・master (男の)教師 ((古めかしい言い方)); 校長; 【魚】タイの一種.
school・mate 学友.
school・mistress 女教師[校長].
school of hard knocks 厳しい実社会.
school of thought 考えなどを同じくする人々.
school report 〔英〕 =report card.
school・room 教室.
school run 〔英〕 (子供を)学校に追いやる[から追い出す]こと.
school・teacher (小・中・高校の)教師.
school tie スクールタイ.
school・time 授業[始業]時間; 学校時代.
school・work 学校での勉強.
school・yard 校庭.
school year 学年.


