2024年4月28日 星期日

prompt, plunge, flagging, backing away, to be reconsidering, high-paying job

Major corporations including Walmart, McDonald's and Verizon have agreed to drop college requirements from thousands of high-paying jobs and train workers internally.

The CEO of Walmart U.S. described the plan to ABC News.

Read more: https://abcnews.visitlink.me/IJBRI0

First Flu Death Provides Clues to Mexico Toll

Prompt medical attention is crucial to treating swine flu, epidemiologists agree, and that has been where Mexico lags far behind.

Flu Prompts Shutdowns in Mexico, Texas
As the number of confirmed cases in the U.S. rose to 109, Fort Worth became the nation’s first major city school district to close.

Much of the concern centered on Morgan Stanley's deal to raise $9 billion from Mitsubishi UFJ of Japan. Despite repeated assurances from Morgan Stanley Chief Executive John Mack and Mitsubishi executives, some investors worry that the decline in Morgan Stanley's share price, coupled with the steep sell-off in the Japanese stock market this week, might prompt Mitsubishi to reconsider its investment.
Sales Plunge as Automakers Are Hit Hard by High Gas Prices

June was the worst month yet in a miserable year for automakers. Chrysler’s sales fell 36 percent and Ford, G.M. and Toyota were all down by double digits.

Citigroup Fund's Plunge Prompts Lawsuit
A Citigroup hedge fund has caused steep losses for at least three large banks. The losses may pressure Citigroup to return some of the money. One of the banks, Fifth Third, is suing firms that arranged the investment.

Gloom has descended over Wall Street once again. While the price of oil is rising, the health of the financial sector is flagging, taking yet another heavy toll on the markets.

And that has hit deal-making hard as well: Global mergers and acquisitions activity fell 35 percent in the year to date to $1.579 trillion, according to the latest 2008 data from Thomson Reuters.

Little relief appears to be on the horizon as well. "We won't see a boom like early 2007 again for another three or four years," Hermann Prelle, joint-head of EMEA investment banking at UBS, told Reuters.

Go to Article from Reuters via The New York Times»


(flăg'ĭng) pronunciation

  1. Declining; weakening: flagging strength.
  2. Languid; drooping.

plunge Show phonetics noun [C]
1 a sudden movement or fall forward, down or into something:
I really enjoyed my plunge (= jumping in and swimming) in the pool.
2 a sudden and large fall in value or level:
We are expecting a plunge in profits this year.

prompt (CAUSE) Show phonetics
verb [T] 1 to make something happen:

The bishop's speech has prompted an angry response from both political parties.
Recent worries over the president's health have prompted speculation over his political future.

2 prompt sb to do sth to make someone decide to say or do something:
What prompted you to say that?I don't know what prompted him to leave.

3 to help someone, especially an actor, to remember what they were going to say or do:
I forgot my line and had to be prompted.

prompt Show phonetics
noun [C]1 a sign on a computer screen which shows that the computer is ready to receive your instructions

a. (形容詞 adjective)
  1. 敏捷的,及時的,迅速的[(+in)][+to-v]
  2. 他付房租從不拖延。
  3. 【商】(付款)即時的,即期的;(貨物)當場交的
ad. (副詞 adverb)
  1. 準時地;正(指時間)
  2. 他們在七點鐘準時出發。
vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
  1. 促使;激勵;慫恿[O2]
  2. 他為愛國心所激勵。
  3. 引起,激起
  4. 他的好奇心驅使他發問。
  5. 提示;給(演員等)提詞
  6. 她要別人提示三次。
vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)
  1. 提示;提詞
n. (名詞 noun)
  1. 催促;提醒
  2. 【商】付款期限
  3. 提示;提示臺詞[C]
  4. 他不得不要人提詞。


━━ a. 敏速な, すぐ[喜んで]…する ((in; to do; in doing)); 即座の; 【商業】即時(払い)の.
━━ ad. 〔話〕 時間通り, 正確に.
━━ vt. 促す, 鼓舞する, 刺激する; 思いつかせる, (感情を)喚起する; ヒント[助け]を与える; (俳優に陰から)せりふを教える, 後見する.
━━ n. 促すもの; 【劇】(俳優への)せりふ付け, プロンプター, 後見; 【コンピュータ】プロンプト; 【商業】支払期限(付き契約).
prompt side 【劇】(舞台の)プロンプター側.
prompt・book prompter用の台本.
prompt box 【劇】prompterの隠れている席.
prompt cash 即金, 即時払い.
prompt copy =promptbook.
prompt day 【商業】勘定清算日, 支払日.
prompt・er ━━ n. 促進[刺激]する人[もの]; 【劇】プロンプター, 後見.
prompt・ing ━━ n. 刺激(すること), 鼓舞; 【劇】せりふ付け.
promp・ti・tude  n. 敏速.
prompt・ly ━━ ad.
prompt・ness ━━ n.
prompt neutron 【物】即発中性子.
prompt note 【商業】代金請求書, 支払い期日通知書.


