The Wall Street Journal
Who saved Williamsburg, Brooklyn, from the dreaded shutdown of the L-train subway tunnel? Six engineers from Cornell and Columbia universities—and they did it for free.

How Engineers Working Pro Bono Solved New York’s Toughest Subway Problem
The move will make supplying some 14,000 U.S. restaurants more complicated. McDonald’s says the logistics and new equipment is worth it to sell burgers that stand up to those made by fast-casual competitors such as Shake Shack.
The move will make supplying some 14,000 U.S. restaurants more complicated. McDonald’s says the logistics and new equipment is worth it to sell burgers that stand up to those made by fast-casual competitors such as Shake Shack.
Campaign Spotlight


The campaign, on behalf of the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, also includes a makeover for the image of the organization. There is a new logo, evocative of a flame or torch, and a new slogan, “Today’s care. Tomorrow’s cure.”
The slogan, replacing “Go forward,” addresses the two principal goals of the foundation, which is named for the late actor Christopher Reeve and his late wife, Dana. One is to raise money to treat people who are living with spinal cord paralysis, as Mr. Reeve did from 1995 to 2004, and improve the quality of their lives.
The Works of Charles Lamb: To which are Prefixed His ...
Charles Lamb, Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd - 1838
To which are Prefixed His Letters, and a Sketch of His Life Charles Lamb, Sir ... out of our old contiguous windows, in pump-famed Harecourt in the temple.I am insensibly chatting to you as familiarly as when we used to exchange good-
The Bavarian Forest is central Europe's largest contiguous forest
landscape. Known as a region for nature lovers and hiking fans, the area
also has much to offer and discover during winters.
During an earthquake relief cabinet meeting in Beijing, Hui Liangyu, a vice premier, expressed urgency, saying “any negligence will cause new disasters to people who have already suffered the quake,” Xinhua said on Wednesday. During the same meeting on Tuesday, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao told ministers that alleviating the risk of flooding from 34 so-called quake lakes was “the most pressing task” for the government. Officials also announced that $29 million in emergency funds would be allocated to the effort.
verb [T] FORMAL ━━ vt. 軽減[緩和]する.
to make something bad such as pain or problems less severe:
The drugs did nothing to alleviate her pain/suffering.
noun [U]
the alleviation of poverty
adjective- 音節
- con • tig • u • ous
- 発音
- kəntígjuəs
2 切れ目のない, 連続的な.
WordNet: contiguity
Meaning #1: the attribute of being so near as to be touching
Synonyms: adjacency, contiguousness
mass noun- 1The state of bordering or being in contact with something.‘nations bound together by geographical contiguity’
- 1.1Psychology The sequential occurrence or proximity of stimulus and response, causing their association in the mind.‘contiguity is necessary in all forms of learning’
- 1.1Psychology The sequential occurrence or proximity of stimulus and response, causing their association in the mind.
Early 16th century: from late Latin contiguitas, from Latin contiguus ‘touching’ (see contiguous).

The metonym/metaphor distinction has been associated with the contrast between syntagm and paradigm. See also antonomasia.
Full Definition of CONTIGUOUS
of angles : adjacent 2
: next or near in time or sequence
: touching or connected throughout in an unbroken sequence <contiguous row houses>
— con·tig·u·ous·ly adverb
— con·tig·u·ous·ness noun
[名] allocable (adjective) Capable of being distributed.
Synonyms: apportionable
Usage: Although our department's budget was increased this year, only a small portion of the funds are allocable to travel expenses.
- An identifying feature or characteristic: a novel with all the earmarks of success.
- An identifying mark on the ear of a domestic animal.
- To reserve or set aside for a particular purpose. See synonyms at allocate.
- To mark in an identifying or distinctive way.
- To mark the ear of (a domestic animal) for identification.
n., pl. -mies. 轉喻
A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated, as in the use of Washington for the United States government or of the sword for military power.Thus, “sweat” can mean “hard labor,” and “Capitol Hill” represents the U.S. Congress.
[Late Latin metōnymia, from Greek metōnumiā : meta-, meta- + onuma, name.]
metonymic met'o·nym'ic (mĕt'ə-nĭm'ĭk) or met'o·nym'i·cal adj.A ~ BIOGRAPHY OF S. JOHNSONmetonymically met'o·nym'i·cal·ly adv.
Literary Dictionary: metonymy
metonymy An important kind of metonymy is synecdoche, in which the name of a part is substituted for that of a whole (e.g. hand for worker), or vice versa.
Modern literary theory has often used ‘metonymy’ in a wider sense, todesignate the process of association by which metonymies are produced and understood: this involves establishing relationships of contiguity between two things, whereas metaphor establishes relationships of similarity between them.
good morrow
Definition of GOOD MORROW
pro bono
(prō bō'nō)
Done without compensation for the public good: a lawyer's pro bono work.
[Latin prō bonō (publicō), for the (public) good : prō, for + bonō, ablative of bonum, the good.]