━━ a. (飲食物が)風味のない; (たばこが)刺激のない; (人・物が)面白味のない, 味気ない; 無感動な; (態度などが)温和な, 優しい; (風が)気持のよい.
bland・ly ━━ ad.
bland・ness ━━ n.
EuroVox | 26.05.2008 | 05:30
In the Czech Republic, Drinkers Race to Tap Their Own Beer
When it comes to beer drinking, many would think that Germans hold the European record. Think again.
The Czech Republic, the home of pilsner beer, is not only considered to have the best quality brew.
Statistically speaking, the Czechs also drink more of the barley than anyone else in the world. No surprise that they have come up with a new way to enjoy it -- the latest hit in Prague is the Beer Station.
Report: Christian Rühmkorf/ Andrew Ryan
(pĭlz'nər, pĭls'-) Food Lover's Companion: Pilsner; Pilsener
[PIHLZ-nuhr] Originally this term referred to a very fine beer brewed in Pilsen, in the Czech Republic. Today, however, it more commonly refers to any pale, light lager. Pilsners generally have a mild (some say bland) flavor, although a few reflect a pronounced hops characteristic. See also beer.