2008年5月13日 星期二

phallus, penis, fascinating

The fascinating phallus

After the bust out success of The Big Book of Breasts TASCHEN presents the perfect companion, The Big Penis Book.

When it comes to pleasure, size doesn't matter; as we all know it's quality, not quantity, that counts. But let's admit it: a big penis is undeniably compelling. Big shoulders, big lapels, and big hair may come and go, but the big penis never goes out of fashion. With those possessing more than 8 inches (20 cm) making up less than 2% of the world's population, this rare accessory will always fascinate.


fascinate Show phonetics
verb [T]
to interest someone a lot:
Science has always fascinated me.
Anything to do with aeroplanes and flying fascinates him.

fascinated Show phonetics
extremely interested:
We watched fascinated as he cleaned and repaired the watch.
I was fascinated to hear about his travels in Bhután.
They were absolutely fascinated by the game.

fascinating Show phonetics
extremely interesting:
The book offers a fascinating glimpse of the lives of the rich and famous.
I found the whole film fascinating.

fascination Show phonetics
noun [S or U]
when you find someone or something fascinating:
Miller's fascination with medieval art dates from her childhood.
Mass murders hold a gruesome fascination for the public.

phallus PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
noun [C] FORMAL
an image or a model of the penis, especially one representing the power of men to reproduce, or a penis:
These primitive peoples are believed to have worshipped the phallus as a symbol of regeneration.

phallic PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
symbolic of, shaped like, or related to the penis:
phallic symbolism/imagery


