2022年10月13日 星期四

exalted, apotheosis, lore, empathetic, folklore, folklorist, folk legends

 her conversations with folk legends like Elizabeth Cotten, Bill Monroe and Tommy Jarrell with her experiences making space for women in bluegrass and beyond.

 Gerrard decided to commit fully to that community. She moved to Galax, Va., without the kids, renting a ramshackle cabin for $50 a month near the epicenter of American old-time music. She scoured the town for songs and stories. When she helped make a documentary about Jarrell, the fiddling master, with Les Blank, she befriended and even played alongside him, as she did with most of her subjects. Gerrard never pretended to be an academic anthropologist or folklorist — this was her life, not her career.

"Apotheosis of Venice"

Will You Be E-Mailing This Column? It’s Awesome
A University of Pennsylvania study found that readers of news in print and online had more exalted tastes than might be expected.

In Quake, Apotheosis of Premier ‘Grandpa’
As China grapples with its greatest natural disaster in three decades, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao’s uncommon image as an empathetic, benevolent official has been cemented in popular lore.

lore Show phonetics
noun [U]traditional knowledge and stories about a subject:
According to local lore, the water has healing properties.

  1. The traditional beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a people, transmitted orally.
  2. The comparative study of folk knowledge and culture. Also called folkloristics.
    1. A body of widely accepted but usually specious notions about a place, a group, or an institution: Rumors of their antics became part of the folklore of Hollywood.
    2. A popular but unfounded belief.
folkloric folk'lor'ic adj.
folklorish folk'lor'ish adj.
folklorist folk'lor'ist n.
folkloristic folk'lor·is'tic adj.


Noun. folklorist (plural folklorists) A person who studies or collects folklore.

apotheosis Show phonetics
noun [C usually singular] plural apotheoses FORMAL
1 the best or most extreme example of something:
Most people agree that her acting career achieved its apotheosis in this film.
Bad taste in clothes reached its apotheosis in the 1970s.
2 the apotheosis of sb the act of making someone into a god:
One of the large paintings showed the Apotheosis of the Emperor Trajan.

n., pl. -ses (-sēz').
  1. Exaltation to divine rank or stature; deification.
  2. Elevation to a preeminent or transcendent position; glorification: “Many observers have tried to attribute Warhol's current apotheosis to the subversive power of artistic vision” (Michiko Kakutani).
  3. An exalted or glorified example: Their leader was the apotheosis of courage.
[Late Latin apotheōsis, from Greek, from apotheoun, to deify : apo-, change; see apo– + theos, god.]


音節a・poth・e・o・sis 発音記号/əpὰθióʊsɪsəp`ɔθiˈəʊ‐/
(《複数形音節o・ses 発音記号/siːz/) [通例 the apotheosis]
【不可算名詞】 (を)神に祭ること神格化; 神聖視崇拝of〕.
【可算名詞】 神格化されたものof〕.
【可算名詞】 理想極致; 権化of〕.
He was the apotheosis of generosity. 彼は寛大さ理想像あった.

  1. Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives. See synonyms at pity.
  2. The attribution of one's own feelings to an object.
[EN–2 + –PATHY (translation of German Einfühlung).]

empathy Show phonetics
noun [U]the ability to share someone else's feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in their situation
Compare sympathy (UNDERSTANDING).


━━ n. 【心】共感, 感情移入.
em・pa・thize ━━ vi. 感情移入する.

empathetic Show phoneticsadjective

empathize, UK USUALLY empathise Show phonetics
verb [I] to be able to understand how someone else feels:
It's very easy to empathize with the characters in her books.
Compare sympathize at sympathy (UNDERSTANDING).

ex·alt·ed (ĭg-zôl'tĭd) pronunciation
  1. Elevated in rank, character, or status.
  2. Lofty; sublime; noble: an exalted dedication to liberty.
  3. Exaggerated; inflated: He has an exalted sense of his importance to the project.
exaltedly ex·alt'ed·ly adv.
exaltedness ex·alt'ed·ness n.


