2024年12月14日 星期六

adieu, addio, pray, adio, exodus, bid farewell, sayonara.The farewell address is a ritual that reflects the culture of the chamber, which prizes tradition, relationships, debates and long-winded speeches.

A Very Senatorial Goodbye: Nostalgia, Legacy and Gratitude, Live on C-SPAN

The farewell address is a ritual that reflects the culture of the chamber, which prizes tradition, relationships, debates and long-winded speeches.

Italy after Berlusconi

Addio, Silvio

Sayonara, recovery?

The Fed takes a too-small step toward easing(31)

Burial at Arlington After Ceremonies in Boston and Capital

Thousands of mourners both great and ordinary bade farewell to Senator Edward M. Kennedy, remembering him as one of the most powerful political figures in the country.

Adios to bullfighting in Spain?

Spain’s north-eastern region of Catalonia could become the first in the
country to outlaw bullfighting. An organization called Prou has collected
180,000 signatures against bullfights.

The DW-WORLD Article

Bidding Yahoo Adieu

An exodus of high-profile, innovative managers leaves a leadership vacuum, and troubling implications for Yahoo's future

Motorola Sees Exodus of Talent
As Motorola's new handset chief assesses how to fix the ailing division, the company's competitors have hired in droves the managers, engineers, designers and sales staff who are leaving Motorola or whose jobs have been cut.

At Yahoo, the Exodus Continues

She bade (= said to) him adieu and left.

noun [S]
1 the movement of a lot of people from a place:
There has been a mass exodus of workers from the villages to the towns.
There is always an exodus to the coast at holiday times.

2 Exodus the second book of the Bible telling of Moses and the journey of the Israelites out of Egypt


Used to express farewell.

[Spanish adiós, probably translated from French à dieu. See adieu.]

Meaning #1: a farewell remark
Synonyms: adieu, arrivederci, auf wiedersehen, au revoir, bye, bye-bye, cheerio, good-by, goodby, good-bye, goodbye, good day, sayonara, so long


(ə-dyū', ə-dū') pronunciation

Used to express farewell.

n., pl. a·dieus or a·dieux (ə-dyūz', ə-dūz').

A farewell.

[Middle English, from Old French a dieu, (I commend you) to God : a, to (from Latin ad; see ad–) + Dieu, God (from Latin deus).]

adieu Show phonetics
She bade (= said to) him adieu and left.

2005瑞麟「英法聯軍」專欄:adieu 由於昔日的網頁碰到法文常有亂碼 現在就刪去 順序改動過....

adieu [ə'djuː, French: ;]
sentence substitute, noun
(plural: adieus, adieux [ə'djuːz, French: adj ;]
goodbye; farewell
[ETYMOLOGY: 14th Century: from Old French, from a to + dieu God]
Source: The Collins English Dictionary © 2000 HarperCollins Publishers

I had not a spare moment on Tuesday, as you know, for Miss Woodhouse's beautiful little friend. Pray make my excuses and adieus to her.
- Jane Austen: Emma Vol. 2, Ch. 13

《艾瑪》卷二第十三章的這段引文是Frank Churchill寫給Mrs Weston的一封信中附帶提到的一段文字。引文中的I就是Frank,而you則是收信人Mrs Weston。這封信不是日前提過的那封長信,這是Frank向Mrs Weston報告他的旅行和心情的一封信。

hc補 此書已於2007年出版
這adieu 在19世紀的俄國小說經常出現
了解一下 pray

v., prayed, pray·ing, prays. v.intr.
  1. To utter or address a prayer or prayers to God, a god, or another object of worship.
  2. To make a fervent request or entreaty.
  1. To utter or say a prayer or prayers to; address by prayer.
  2. To ask (someone) imploringly; beseech. Now often used elliptically for I pray you to introduce a request or entreaty: Pray be careful.
  3. To make a devout or earnest request for: I pray your permission to speak.
  4. To move or bring by prayer or entreaty.

[Middle English preien, from Old French preier, from Latin precārī, from precē, pl. of *prex, prayer.]

adieu這個字的意思在英法文中都一樣,詞性也一樣,不過The Collins English Dictionary沒有列出interjection的詞性來,由此可知,字典最好是多查幾本比較。這個字在英文的複數可直接+s或+x,但是在法文則只有+x一種形式,-eu結尾的法文名詞多數,多半都是+x(我說多半是因為不確定沒有例外,或許是全部如此也說不定)。adieu這個字是由a + dieu 合成的,dieu在法文既是上帝,又是天主,用法既可以呼天搶地,又可以用來咒罵人家。


