2008年4月14日 星期一

whither, whence, helmets, dirt-bikes, gear (EQUIPMENT)

8The Spirit breatheth where he will; and thou hearest his voice, but thou knowest not whence he cometh, and whither he goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

若望福音 :Chapter 3
John 3:8

What's Honda doing about this? It publishes brochures on safe riding, urges bikers to take lessons, and encourages the wearing of protective gear, including helmets, goggles, boots, and elbow and knee pads. How effective all this is unclear.

adverb OLD USE
to where:
Whither are they going?
adverbconjunction FORMAL
(from) where:
It has been returned to the shop from whence it came.

gear (EQUIPMENT) Show phonetics
noun [U]
1 the equipment, clothes etc. that you use to do a particular activity:
fishing/camping gear
Police in riot gear (= protective clothing) arrived to control the protesters.
See also headgear.

2 INFORMAL clothes:
She wears all the latest gear.
道出這家汽車安全上馳名的"根本"困境--因為Honda 以摩托車起家

dirt bike
  1. A lightweight motorcycle designed for use on rough surfaces, such as dirt roads or trails. Also called trail bike.

Is Honda really the 'safety' company?

Marketing dirt-bikes to kids undercuts Honda's goody-goody image, says Fortune Alex Taylor.

goody-goody, rebel

"吉訶德" 轉引 { 吉訶德} 是透過大江健三郎的。
"桑丘"在書末說,"書不言處(之妙),請取{ 吉訶德}一覽便知......"


"`Dime; no ves aquel caballero que hacia nosotros viene sobre un caballo rucio rodado que trae puesto en la cabeza un yelmo de oro?' `Lo que veo y columbro,' respondio Sancho, `no es sino un hombre sobre un as no pardo como el mio, que trae sobre la cabeza una cosa que relumbra.' `Pues ese es el yelmo de Mambrino,' dijo Don Quijote."--CERVANTES.

"`Seest thou not yon cavalier who cometh toward us on a dapple-gray steed, and weareth a golden helmet?' `What I see,' answered Sancho, `is nothing but a man on a gray ass like my own, who carries something shiny on his head.' `Just so,' answered Don Quixote: `and that resplendent object is the helmet of Mambrino.'"

--Middlemarch by George Eliot Chapter 2

[社会] ベトナムニュース

2008/04/10 10:06 JST配信
科学技術省は3日、ヘルメットの品質についての調査結果を発表した。全国16カ所の標準品質支局の報告によると、全国のヘルメット生産施設約1800か所 を調査したところ、半数以上の約950か所で品質基準に関する違反が発見された。違反内容は、商標違反が401件、品質表示違反が245件、工業所有権違 反が144件、その他の違反が182件となっている。




