''The Tunnel'' is about a guilt-ridden army officer who must persuade his troops, killed in battle, that they are indeed dead, and that nothing is to be gained by trying to hang onto life.Illustration by Tomi Um
How Much Help Do I Owe My Debt-Ridden Dad?
Out of Fellini and Into ‘The Godfather,’ a Politician’s Life By STEPHEN HOLDEN “Il Divo” is a flamboyant biographical fantasy about Giulio Andreotti, the scandal-ridden seven-time Italian prime minister. Obama has made stabilizing Afghanistan a priority, approving a troop surge of 17,000 troops in the conflict-ridden country. Oman authorities promise trouble-free Olympic torch relay The Olympic torch has arrived in Oman at the start of the Middle Eastern leg of its 21-nation tour. The flame arrived at Oman International Airport early in the morning from Tanzania and was received by Omani sports Minister Ali Masoud al-Sunaidy. Oman has promised a trouble free torch relay through the streets of the capital Muscat. The torch run was interrupted by anti-China protestors in San Francisco, Paris and London. The flame is scheduled to arrive in Pakistan's capital Islamabad on Wednesday.trouble was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
Notes of a word-watcher, Hanching Chung. A first port of call for English learning.
2022年3月17日 星期四
trouble-free, guilt-ridden, trouble-ridden, -ridden, cliché-ridden, guilt-ridden, scandal-ridden, Debt-Ridden
cliché-ridden adjective
containing a lot of clichés:
a cliché-ridden speech
guilt-ridden adjective
feeling very guilty

━━ n. 心配(の種), 苦労; 難儀; 危険(な状態); 厄介(者); もめ事; 動乱; 騒ぎ (There is ~ brewing. もん着が起こりかけている); 欠点, 問題点 ((with)); 故障; 病気 (I have a ~ with my teeth. 歯が痛い).
ask [look] for trouble 求めて難儀を引起す, 余計な世話をやく.
be no trouble 厄介でない; たやすい.
borrow trouble 取り越し苦労をする.
get (…) into trouble いざこざを起こす[に(人を)巻き込む]; 〔話〕 (未婚女性が[を])妊娠する[させる].
in trouble 困って; 罰を受け(そうになっ)て ((with)); いざこざを起こして ((with)); 〔話〕 (未婚女性が)妊娠して.
make trouble ごたごたを起こす.
meet trouble halfway 取り越し苦労する.
take trouble 労をとる, 骨を惜しまない.
The trouble is (that) 困ったことに…である.
one's trouble and strife 〔英〕 妻.
━━ vt. 乱す, 騒がせる; わずらわす, 悩ます, 頼む (May I ~ you to do it for me? それをしていただけませんか); 骨を折らす.
━━ vi. 骨を折る (Oh, don't ~, thanks. どうぞお構いなく); 心配する ((about, over)); ((普通否定文,疑問文で)) わざわざ…する ((to do)).
I'll [I must] trouble you to do …してくれないか ((皮肉な表現)).
trouble oneself (about) (…を)心配する; (…に)関係する.
trouble oneself to do 骨を折って…する.
trou・bled ━━ a. 心配した, 悩んだ; 騒然とした.
troubled waters 混乱状態.
trouble-free ━━ a. 問題[心配]のない.
trouble・maker もん着[面倒]を引起す人.
trouble-ridden ━━ a. 紛争に悩む.
trouble・shoot ━━ vt. 【コンピュータ】(故障を)見つけて直す.
trouble・shooter (機械などの)故障係; 紛争を解決する人.
━━ a. 厄介[面倒]な, うるさい.
trou・ble・some・ly ad.
trou・ble・some・ness n.
trouble spot 紛争[騒擾(じょう)]多発地域.