Some see it as a flaw, but there are cultures that celebrate a space between the teeth...
A cheaper option is to purchase a multiport switch box. With it, one HDMI cable connects the HDTV to the switch box, and up to five individual HDMI cables connect each hi-def device to the switch box. A button switches the output from one device to the next, and, as with the AV receiver, a remote control is usually included. These switch boxes offer two to five HDMI ports, and generally cost from $50 to a few hundred dollars.
Another stop-gap is a DVI-to-HDMI adapter cable. The cable, however, does not carry sound, so the audio must be connected to one of the HDTV’s other available inputs like the sound-in or the optical-in port.
The Los Angeles Times leads on news that a recently-adopted plan to fill gaping holes in California's state budget is already seriously out of whack; one analyst says the state is on course for a shortfall of more than $8 billion.
Like Politics? Broadcast Your View for Only $6 By NOAM COHEN didn’t invent the loudmouth, but, as the company’s logo indicates, it sure hopes to sell him a megaphone.
megaphone Show phonetics
noun [C]
a cone-shaped device which makes your voice louder when you speak into it, so that people can hear you although they are not near to you
WordNet: loudmouth
The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: a person who causes trouble by speaking indiscreetly
Synonym: blusterer
loud・mouthed a. 大声でしゃべる, うるさい.
loud・mouthed a. 大声でしゃべる, うるさい.
gape (OPEN) Show phonetics
verb [I]
to be or become wide open:
Peter's jacket gaped at the seams.
gaping Show phonetics
The bomb had left gaping holes in the wall.
1. Of having front teeth that are separated by a prominent or conspicuous gap, space or aperture.
2. A pejorative term used to describe any person whose front teeth are separated by such a gap.
1. Of having front teeth that are separated by a prominent or conspicuous gap, space or aperture.
2. A pejorative term used to describe any person whose front teeth are separated by such a gap.
"So what'd you think of Johnno's new girlfriend?"
"She's cute, though a bit gappy for my liking."
"What's this movie you're watching?"
"Not sure, just switched over; this gappy french bitch just killed that dude, and now she's trying to work out what to do with the body."
"She's cute, though a bit gappy for my liking."
"What's this movie you're watching?"
"Not sure, just switched over; this gappy french bitch just killed that dude, and now she's trying to work out what to do with the body."
by NerdPerfect February 07, 2008
That which closes or fills up an opening or gap; hence, a temporary expedient.
Moral prejudices are the stop-gaps of virtue.Hare.