German business boss says 'hard Brexit' is best
The head of Germany's biggest business lobby group has said it would be better for the UK to have a clean break from the EU rather than some kind of "fudge".
Markus Kerber told Today programme presenter Justin Webb there needed to be a "hard exit" from the EU to avoid lingering uncertainty.
Francesco Tonelli for The New York Times
Milk chocolate banana pudding with wafer crumbs.
For years, when striving to make the ultimate, silky, profoundly fudgy chocolate pudding, I invariably looked to Grandma. Oh, not to either of my Grandmas, who relied on boxed mixes with pallid results. But to an iconic silver-haired Grandma whom I envisioned stirring a pot of farm fresh milk, eggs, cornstarch and melted chocolate to a creamy, intense perfection.
For over a decade, I happily stirred my way through pudding recipes from the most tried-and-true grandmotherly sources I could find: Fannie Farmer and “Joy of Cooking,” Better Homes and Gardens magazine, and spiralbound Junior League cookbooks.
And all the puddings were pretty good — jiggly and smooth, with addictive sticky skins that I greedily peeled off and ate while standing in front of the fridge. But none was quite good enough to send me back for more.
The investigation of the statistics bureau took place from late October to December last year, and Mr. Wang was removed from his post shortly thereafter. Party cadres in the bureau had to undergo criticism sessions — a tried and true method of enforcing discipline in the party — with the goal of making them “red-faced and sweating,” the report said.
Portugal pretends it is fighting back after years of EU-mandated austerity policies. The EU pretends it is holding the line. In fact Europe is functioning as it always has: though compromise and fudge
Reviewed by ERICA WAGNER
Reviewed by ERICA WAGNER
Hanif Kureishi’s pallid new novel considers middle-age alienation and lust in immigrant London.
A charming illustration by Sadie Wendell Mitchell, portraying the illicit fudge parties Vassar girls held in their dorm rooms around the turn of the last century.
Fudging the numbers
Thanks to the reader who sent me the link to this, a government wanting to make evidence fit policy with Youth disorder:
Creative nonfiction luminary John D’Agata has defended writers' right to fudge the truth in his book The Lifespan of a Fact, co-written with fact-checker Jim Fingal. (Dan Kois expressed mixed feelings about the book when reviewing it for Slate.) D’Agata’s book brought to mind, for many, the various partly true memoirs of the last ten years.
Fudge factor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A fudge factor is an ad hoc quantity introduced into a calculation, formula or model in order to make it fit observations or expectations. Examples include Einstein's Cosmological Constant, dark energy, dark matter and inflation.
A creamy, semisoft candy most often made with sugar, butter or cream, corn syrup and various flavorings. The most popular fudge flavor is chocolate, though maple (made with maple syrup), butterscotch (made with brown sugar or dark corn syrup) and vanilla are also favorites. Fudge can be plain and perfectly smooth or it may contain other ingredients such as nuts, chocolate chips, candied or dried fruit, etc. It may be cooked or uncooked, but both styles must be allowed to set before cutting.
- Tomorrow, the Davies Commission, which was set up to recommend the best way to add extra air capacity to London and its environs, reports. London is desperately short of runways, and the choice has come down to adding a third runway at Heathrow, a second one at Gatwick, or perhaps some sort of fudge. With all eyes on the Davies Commission, it was easy to overlook that this week was a momentous one for Heathrow for another reason: the retirement of Terminal 1
- Definition of fudge
[with object]
n. - 乳脂軟糖, 胡說, 謊話
v. tr. - 粗製濫造, 捏造
v. intr. - 欺騙, 逃避責任, 捏造
int. - 胡說八道
pallid Adjective
1 very pale, in a way that looks unattractive and unhealthy:
Next to his tanned face, hers seemed pallid and unhealthy.
2 lacking enthusiasm or excitement:
This is a pallid production of what should be a great ballet.
noun [U]
the state of being very pale:
The deathly pallor of her skin was frightening.
tried and true
Tested and proved to be worthy or reliable, as in Let me deal with it--my method is tried and true. [Mid-1900s]