Misconduct in public office.
[French, from malverser, to misbehave, from Old French, from Latin male versārī : male, badly + versārī, to behave.]
rl 之 ※文摘譯例※
Our enemy Cardonnel was turned out of the House of Commons (along with Mr. Walpole) for malversation of public money.
( Source: William Makepeace Thackeray : « The History of Henry Esmond » Book 3 5 - My Superiors Are Engaged In Plots For The Restoration Of King James II )
【 rl譯】:
---- hc 案,出處在卷三,Chapter V. Mohun Appears for the Last Time in This History
『亨利 艾斯芒德的歷史』人民文學出版社,1958/1997, p.484 (事實上本書因牽涉到許多英國史事 不為某些人所喜-- 它卷首引 Horace之『詩藝』:"…… 讓你的人物描寫徹頭徹尾地保持著前後一貫。")
談一下這位 Robert Walpole
rl :「經查名列英漢大辭典中的英國華爾波爾先生計有三位
某善心人送 rl :「Walpole(1676-1745)
公認英國首任首相…因他能言善辯,執政的托利黨決心對付他。 1712年遭到彈劾,以貪污的罪名關入倫敦塔 …1715年任財政大臣 …1730年左右是華爾波爾在政壇上的鼎盛時期。由於他在下院擁有左右選票的
----- hc 指出 有資料說明,這次入獄被證明是清白的:
In 1708 he was appointed secretary of war and later (1710–11) was treasurer of the navy. As a Whig, he led the opposition in Parliament to the Tory administration of 1710–14 and as a consequence was falsely convicted (1712) of corruption and spent some months in the Tower of London.
Walpole also left behind a famous collection of art which he had assembled during his career. This collection was sold by his grandson, the 3rd Earl of Oxford, to the Russian Empress Catherine II in 1779. This collection—which was regarded as one of the finest in Europe—now lies in the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The nursery rhyme, "Who Killed Cock Robin?" is said to be an allusion to the fall of Walpole (Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes, ISBN 0198600887).
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