2023年11月5日 星期日

guest house, houseguest, Guests of Honor, Lady of Honor, Maid of Honor

Welcome our newest Guests of Honor!
Three works by Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani join our limestone sculpture, “Head” (c. 1913).
The three works from the Henry and Rose Pearlman Foundation, usually on loan to the Princeton University Art Museum, include another limestone “Head” (c. 1910–11) and two paintings – portraits of the poet, designer, and filmmaker “Jean Cocteau” and Russian sculptor “Léon Indenbaum.”
These works will be on view in the Kahn Building through October 2022.
Amedeo Modigliani, “Jean Cocteau,” 1916. The Henry and Rose Pearlman Foundation, on loan since 1976 to the Princeton University Art Museum; “Head,” c. 1910–11. The Henry and Rose Pearlman Foundation, on loan since 1976 to the Princeton University Art Museum; “Léon Indenbaum,” 1916. The Henry and Rose Pearlman Foundation, on loan since 1976 to the Princeton University Art Museum

guest house
大學多稱為"會館", houseguest 美國稱"留宿之客人"

guest was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.


  1. 1U敬意,尊敬,名誉,名声(⇔dishonor);信用,面目
    • win honor
    • 名誉を勝ち取る
  2. 1a〔an ~〕名誉となる人[もの],(…の)誉れ≪to
  3. 1bU信義,道義心
    • man of honor
    • ((やや古))信義を重んじる人
  4. 2〔単数形で〕((形式))光栄[名誉]なこと
  5. 2aC名誉のしるし,勲章,栄典,叙勲;〔~s〕儀礼,礼遇,葬儀
    • the highest honor
    • 最高の賞
  6. 2b〔~s〕(大学などの)優等;(優等生のための)特別コース
  7. 2c〔通例H-;His ~,Your ~〕閣下;((米))市長;〔Your H-〕裁判長
  8. 2d〔the ~〕《ゴルフ》オナー(◇ティーからの打ち出しの優先権(をもつ人))
  9. 3U((古))(女性の)貞節,純潔
  10. 4〔~s〕《ブリッジ》切札のエース・キング・クイーン・ジャック・10の5枚


  1. in honor bound
  1. do honor to A=do A honor
    • 1 A(人)に敬意を表する
    • 2 A(人など)の名誉となる
  1. do the honors
    • ((略式))接待役を務める,客をもてなす
  1. for (the) honor
    • (…の)信用上,名誉のために≪of
  1. give A one's (word of) honor
    • 名誉にかけてA(人)に誓う
  1. honor bright
    • ((やや古))誓って,確かに,きっと
  1. on one's honor
    • ((やや古))誓って,名誉にかけて;(…すると)信頼されて,名誉にかけて…しなければならない≪to do
  1. 1〈人を〉尊敬する,〈人を〉礼遇する,〈人に〉(…のことで)敬意を払う≪for≫;〈神を〉あがめる
    • honor a person for his deeds
    • 人の功績に対して敬意を払う
  2. 1a((形式))〈人に〉(…の)栄誉を与える≪with
  3. 1b〔受身形で〕光栄に感じさせる
  4. 2〈約束・契約などを〉守る
  5. 2a《商業》〈手形・小切手などを〉引き受けて(期日に)支払う
    • All credit cards are honored here.
    • ((掲示))「当店ではどのクレジットカードもご利用になれます」

guest noun [C] 1
a person who is staying with you, or a person whom you have invited to a social occasion, such as a party or a meal: 150 guests were invited to the wedding. We have guests (US houseguests) staying this weekend. Is he on the guest list? He is a paying guest (= He pays for the use of a room in someone's home). 2 a person who is staying in a hotel: We would like to remind all our guests to leave their keys at reception before they depart. 3 a person, such as an entertainer, who has been invited to appear on a television or radio programme or in a performance: Our special guest on the programme tonight is Robert de Niro. Madonna made a guest appearance at the concert. Simon Rattle will be the guest conductor with the London Symphony Orchestra. guest Show phonetics verb [I] If a person, especially an entertainer, guests on a programme or show, they are invited to appear or perform on it: He guests on their latest video. (from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary) ━━ n. 客, 来客, 来訪者; ゲスト(出演者); ((形容詞的)) 招待された; 泊り客; 宿泊人. Be my guest. 〔話〕 どうぞご自由に. ━━ vi. 客になる. guest computer 【コンピュータ】ゲストコンピュータ. guest house ゲストハウス; 泊まり客用の離れ; 高級下宿. guest identification 【コンピュータ】ゲストID. guest night 〔英〕 (社交クラブ・大学などで催す)賓客招待会. guest of honor (the ~) 主賓. guest・room 来客用寝室. guest worker 出稼ぎ外国人労働者.


