2024年2月25日 星期日

brigade, fire brigade, excise, blue rinse Boadicea, customs and excise,

Culture and Lifestyle

There is a proposal currently under debate in Mexico's Congress to slap an excise tax of one peso (about eight American cents) on to the price of a litre of fizzy drinks. Though the soft drinks industry has faced down consumer activists in the past in Coca-Cola's biggest market by volume outside the United States, this initiative comes directly from President Enrique Peña Nieto http://econ.st/17QJItS

 Her battles with the left—especially the miners—gave her a reputation as a blue-rinse Boadicea.

Sadly the ISO 9000 brigade has infiltrated the bureaucratic system. It will die through people simply giving it up, the bureaucracy is incapable of excising it.

The British poet W. H. Auden, at that time a left-leaning agnostic, acknowledged the importance of Paul Claudel in his famous poem "In Memory of W. B. Yeats" (1939). Writing about Yeats, Auden says in lines 52-55: "Time that with this strange excuse/Pardoned Kipling and his views,/And will pardon Paul Claudel,/Pardons him for writing well." (These lines are from the originally published version; they were excised by Auden in a later revision.)


Definition ofBoudicca
(d. ad 62), a queen of the Britons, ruler of the Iceni tribe in eastern England; also known as Boadicea. Boudicca led her forces in revolt against the Romans and sacked Colchester, St Albans, and London before being defeated by the Roman governor Suetonius Paulinus.

blue rinse


  • a preparation used as a rinse on grey or white hair so as to give it a temporary blue tint.
  • (also blue-rinsed) [as modifier] informal, derogatory relating to conservative elderly women:the blue-rinse brigade


1 [C] a large group of soldiers in an army

2 [C usually singular] INFORMAL a group of people who have something in common, especially an enthusiasm for a particular belief or subject:
Since she gave up smoking she's joined the anti-smoking brigade.

fire brigade
UK noun [C usually singular] (US fire department)
an organization that is in charge of preventing and stopping unwanted fires
倫敦消防局(London Fire Brigade)發言 ...

excise (REMOVE) 
verb [T] FORMAL
to remove, especially by cutting:
During a three-hour operation six tumours were excised from the wall of the patient's stomach.
The official censors have excised the controversial sections of the report.

1. from Back Matter:
"Walpole has to abandon his plans to reorganize the customs and excise 1737 Death of Queen Caroline 1738 John Wesley's `conversion' experience 1739"

noun [U]
a tax made by a government on some types of goods produced and used within their own country:
The excise (duty) on beer was increased under the last government.
excises (複数形) • excising (現在分詞) • excises (三人称単数現在)
[名] 〔éksaiz〕
1 消費税, 物品税;(営業・興行に課す)免許税
an excise on liquor
2 ((the E-))((英))間接税務局. ▼現在はBoard of Customs and Excise.
━━[動] 〔éksaiz | iksáiz〕 (他)〈人に〉消費[物品]税を課する.
Customs and Excise group noun [U]
a UK government department which collects taxes, especially on goods leaving or entering the country


