Dries van Agt, Former Dutch Prime Minister, Dies at 93
As justice minister he weathered a hijacking crisis and later pushed to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He and his wife died in a joint act of euthanasia.
Feb. 14, 2024
"Tyson wants farmers to stop euthanizing unhealthy piglets using manual blunt force."
The zoo has decided not to euthanize Oz, the Sumatran tiger who tragically killed its curator.
A zoo in New Zealand has said it will not euthanize the tiger that killed a zookeeper this weekend. "There is no reason for us to put Oz down." http://cnn.it/1OK13OB
PETA Finds Itself on Receiving End of Others' Anger
The high-profile group still euthanizes most of the animals at its
shelter in Virginia, even as a "no-kill" movement that promotes adoption
grows rapidly.
Obama moving toward sending lethal arms to Syrian rebels, officials say

When Children’s Speech Turns Lethal
Imagine a World Without AIDS
Twenty years ago,
during the unrelenting devastation of AIDS, it was impossible to imagine
the strides that would be made in making it manageable.
By IAN URBINA A convicted killer, Kenneth Biros, 51, was put to death by receiving a large dose of anesthetic, similar to the method used to euthanize animals.
Dr. Keiji Fukuda, the deputy director general making the W.H.O. announcement, said that he could not predict exactly what the new rules would be but that criteria would include a “substantial risk of harm to people,” not just the geographic spread of a relatively benign virus.
The six-point system was created in 2005 when the threat was H5N1 avian flu, which has a fatality rate of about 60 percent. But the system does not take into account a virus’s lethality, and in the current outbreak, some countries have complained that the warning system created panic and pressure for border closings, even though the strain was less deadly.
In Hunt for Bin Laden, a New Approach
PESHAWAR, Pakistan -- Frustrated by repeated dead ends in the search for Osama bin Laden, U.S. and Pakistani officials said they are questioning long-held assumptions about their strategy and are shifting tactics to intensify the use of the unmanned but lethal Predator drone spy plane in the moun...
(By Craig Whitlock, The Washington Post)
euthanasia: the Netherlands legalized mercy killings and physician-assisted suicide for patients enduring unmanageable pain or terminal illness (2001)
Push for the Right to Die Grows in the Netherlands
Right to Die-NL
has created mobile teams to help patients die at home, and is now
calling for legislation to make euthanasia available to anyone over age
70, sick or not.
(yū'thə-nā'zhə, -zhē-ə)
n. ━━ n. 大往生; 安楽死(術).
The act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment.
[Greek euthanasiā, a good death : eu-, eu- + thanatos, death.]
tr.v., -ized, also -a·tized, -iz·ing, -a·tiz·ing, -iz·es, -a·tiz·es.
To subject to euthanasia.
- Capable of causing death.
- Of, relating to, or causing death. See synonyms at fatal.
- Extremely harmful; devastating: accusations lethal to the candidate's image.
[Late Latin lēthālis, alteration (probably influenced by Lēthē, Lethe) of Latin lētālis, from lētum, death.]
lethality le·thal'i·ty (lē-thăl'ĭ-tē) n.lethally le'thal·ly adv.

━━ a., n. 麻酔の[を起させる]; 無感覚の; 麻酔薬.


- 発音記号[mǽnidʒəbl] [形]((通例叙述))操作[管理]できる;処理しやすい;御しやすい, おとなしい, 従順な(⇔unmanageable)
a manageable child
màn・age・a・bíl・i・ty, ・ness