2009年1月13日 星期二

accept, acceptance test, acceptability

1. on Page 6:
"... Statistical theory can not generate a questionnaire nor a satisfactory test of hardness, or of acceptability of color in dishes or in a carpet; nor does statistical theory originate a way to teach field-workers or inspectors ..."
2. on Page 57:
"... Acceptability of a sample in legal evidence. The actual difference between an estimate produced by a sample and by the equal ..."
3. from Table of Contents:
"... 55 Acceptability of a sample in legal evidence . 57 Efficiency, validity, and usefulness . 58 Quantitative measure of efficiency . ..."

acceptability(ak′sep·tə′bil·ə·dē) (engineering) State or condition of meeting minimum standards for use, as applied to methods, equipment, or consumable products.

Overall assessment of the dental care available to a person or group; includes accessibility, cost, quality, results, convenience, and attitudes of dentists and patients.
acceptability of food
The measure of whether an animal will consume enough of a food to meet its caloric needs.

verb [T]
to consider something or someone as satisfactory:
The manuscript was accepted for publication last week.
She was accepted as a full member of the society.
His fellow workers refused to accept him (= to include him as one of their group).

satisfactory and able to be agreed to or approved of:
Clearly we need to come to an arrangement that is acceptable to both parties.
So what is an acceptable level of radiation?
This kind of attitude is simply not acceptable.

noun [C or U]
I've had acceptances from three universities (= Three universities have agreed to take me as a student).
The idea rapidly gained acceptance (= became approved of) in political circles.

'Speed bump' now seems to be the generally accepted term (= the word that most people use) for those ridges in the road that slow traffic down.

acceptance test

(industrial engineering) A test used to determine conformance of a product to design specifications, as a basis for its acceptance.

A test performed by the end user to determine if the system is working according to the specifications in the contract.

計量學 acceptance test 驗收試驗
統計學名詞 acceptance testing 允收檢定;驗收檢定
核能(原子能) load acceptance test 負載接受試驗
acceptance test procedure 接收測試程序 acceptance test 接收測試

final acceptance test system 最終驗收測試系統 航空太空名詞 flight acceptance test 飛行接收測試

工業工程名詞 acceptance test 允收測試 reliability acceptance test 可靠度允收測試
會計學 acceptance sampling 認可選樣


