2008年3月22日 星期六


Its chief architect, Sergei Goryaev, was only too happy to oblige the generals - even if it meant aping the neo-classical style of the past that had done so much to give Moscow its oppressive atmosphere.

A drawing of Moscow’s Federal Military Memorial Cemetery: Vladimir Putin's last resting place - with Stalin
A drawing captures the grandeur of Moscow’s monolithic Federal Military Memorial Cemetery, Vladimir Putin’s corpse will be transported to the cemetery’s pantheon in an armoured personnel carrier

"What is oppressive to you is solemn and glorious to us," he said. "The Soviet empire's style has many beautiful examples which are among the highlights of 20th century architecture anywhere."


hc: "高壓政治"為 oppress (RULE) 此處談的是此種設計風格讓人"有壓迫感"


oppress (MAKE UNCOMFORTABLE) Show phonetics
verb [T]
to make a person feel uncomfortable or anxious, and sometimes ill:
Strange dreams and nightmares oppressed him.

oppression Show phonetics
noun [U]
when someone feels anxious and uncomfortable:
Several people had experienced the same feeling of oppression when they slept in that room.

oppressive Show phonetics
1 causing anxiety:
an oppressive silence

2 If the weather or heat is oppressive, it is too hot and there is no wind:
We were unable to sleep because of the oppressive heat.

oppressively Show phonetics

oppressiveness Show phonetics
noun [U]

oppress (RULE)


