2008年3月19日 星期三

magic wand


這類措施是否有效還是個問題。香港大學(University of Hong Kong)社區醫學系主任賀達理(Anthony Hedley)說﹐不可能像變魔術似的﹐揮揮魔杖就能一下子改變一個地區的空氣質量﹐但一些運動員的健康確實存在受損的風險。

wand Show phonetics
noun [C]
a special thin stick waved by a person who is performing magic tricks:
The fairy godmother waved her magic wand over the cabbages and they turned into horses.

magic wand
noun [C]
1 a small stick used by people who perform tricks for entertainment:
He waved his magic wand and a rabbit appeared.

2 a quick and easy solution:
She warned that she had no magic wand to solve the problem.


