2008年3月13日 星期四


Proverbs, chapter 14,10 : The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy. 心中的苦楚、自己知道.心裏的喜樂、外人無干


(ĭn'tər-mĕd'l) pronunciation

intr.v., -dled, -dling, -dles. ━━ vi. 干渉する ((in, with)).

To interfere in the affairs of others, often officiously; meddle.

[Middle English entermedlen, from Old French entremedler : entre-, between (from Latin inter-; see inter–) + medler, to mix; see meddle.]

--- Convention of 1800 between France and America

ARTICLE XXVII. Neither party will intermeddle in the Fisheries of the other on it's coast nor disturb the other in the exercise of the rights. Which it now holds or may acquire c the coast of Newfoundland, in the Glulph of Saint Lawrence or ell where on the American cons northward of the United State But the whale and seal Fisheries. shall be free to both in every quarter of the world.


One who meddles with, or intrudes into, the affairs of others. Swift.


