2009年6月8日 星期一

inappropriate, theatrical, systematically fed by the conservative media and political establishment

"How inappropriate to call this planet Earth, when it is quite clearly Ocean."Arthur C. Clarke

There is, however, one important thing that the D.H.S. report didn’t say: Today, as in the early years of the Clinton administration but to an even greater extent, right-wing extremism is being systematically fed by the conservative media and political establishment.

Driving Up the Cost For Public Works

Design and engineering companies helping to build the nation's highways ran up millions of dollars in inappropriate charges at the expense of taxpayers, including bills for parties, luxury car leases and hefty paychecks for executives, according to auditors.
(By Robert O'Harrow Jr., The Washington Post)

I was never encouraged to follow my father into his theatrical agency. He was the last of the Victorians and considered it inappropriate for any daughter of his to go into business.

systematically fed by the conservative media and political establishment
There is, however, one important thing that the D.H.S. report didn’t say: Today, as in the early years of the Clinton administration but to an even greater extent, right-wing extremism is being systematically fed by the conservative media and political establishment.

theatre (PERFORMING ARTS) UK, US theater
noun [U]
(the writing or performance of) plays, musicals or opera, written to be performed in public:
His latest play has delighted theatre audiences and theatre critics alike.
She made her career in the theatre.

theatrical make-up

His casual behaviour was wholly inappropriate for such a formal occasion.
I think it would be inappropriate (for you) to invite her to a party so soon after her husband's death.


