2009年3月24日 星期二

Holdings, franchise, turnover, presidio

The city that houses the world's largest man-made park (Golden Gate Park) and the "world's crookedest street" (Lombard Street) started out as a small mission and presidio on the San Francisco Bay.


(prĭ-sē'dē-ō', -sĭd'ē-ō'
n., pl. -os.

A garrison, especially a fortress of the kind established in the southwest United States by the Spanish to protect their holdings and missions.

[Spanish, from Latin praesidium, guard, defense, from praesidēre, to guard. See preside.]

Published: March 2, 2009

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- American International Group, Inc. (AIG) today announced that it intends to form a General Insurance holding company, including its Commercial Insurance Group, Foreign General unit, and other property and casualty operations, to be called AIU Holdings, Inc., with a board of directors, management team and brand distinct from AIG. The establishment of AIU Holdings, Inc. will assist AIG in preparing for the potential sale of a minority stake in the business, which ultimately may include a public offering of shares, depending on market conditions.

The King Is Hiring; Long Live the King

In Advertising

Decades ago, commercials asked, "Aren't you hungry for Burger King now?" Today, a campaign from Burger King is seeking consumers with an appetite for work.

The campaign is intended to help Burger King Holdings find employees and managers for both its company-owned and franchised stores. That is a major challenge for all the players in the competitive fast-food industry, which is known for the frequent turnover of workers.

Citing sources close to the talks, the Nikkei said that setting up a holding company and placing the two companies under it was an option, but the most likely outcome would be a merger to be completed in the autumn of 2009.


holding Show phonetics
noun [C]
something that you own such as shares in a company or buildings, or land which you rent and farm:
To ensure security the investment fund has holdings in many companies.


holding company 股權公司、控股公司。日本:持株会社,親会社

A holding company or parent company is a company that owns enough voting stock in another firm to control management and operations by influencing or electing its board ofdirectors.

Sometimes a company intended to be apure holding company identifies itself as such by adding "Holdings" or"(Holdings)" to its name. 日本有時簡寫為HD

franchise 加盟事業;專營權,特約

franchise chain 加盟店【フランチャイズチェーン(FC)】;franchise fee 經銷費

Turnover (RATE)

The rate at which tenants (or salespeople or employees) leave. 流動率
Example: In a given year, 20% of the apartment units are vacated; the (tenant) turnover rate is 20%.

Christian Doeringer


毫無疑問﹐對於想在中國進一步發展的公司來說﹐招聘、留住和激勵員工是發展的關鍵瓶頸之一。美國商會和翰威特公司(Hewitt Associates)於2007年2月聯合進行的針對華南地區營商環境的一項調查的結果顯示﹐超過400家的企業負責人認為﹐合格管理型人才、專業型人 才及通用人才的匱乏是企業在華南地區謀求發展的前五項挑戰中最重要的兩項。這種情況目前尚無明顯緩解的跡象﹐參與調查的公司預期這種人才瓶頸在未來三年內 仍將持續存在。


