2020年4月7日 星期二

Gregorian chants, lifetime, joyrider,

21小時 · 
完全適用於【聖週 + 復活期】的《葛麗果聖樂》
1.Oculi Mei 我的眼睛
2.O Vos Omnes 萬眾信友
3.Kyrie Eleison 垂憐曲
4.Ubi Caritas 何處有仁、何處有愛
5.Vexilla Regis 苦難之歌
6.Crux Fidelis 十字架頌
7.Victimae Paschali 逾越節的羔羊
8.Regina Caeli 聖母喜樂歌
9.Resurrexi 我,復活了
10.Haec Dies 這是上主所選定的一天
11.Jubilate Deo, Universa Terra 普世大地歡呼
12.Alleluia, Pascha Nostrum 阿肋路亞,基督-我們的復活
13.Cantate Domino 歌頌上主

British Soldier in Germany Wrecks Two Tanks in Drunken Joyride

A British soldier stationed in northern Germany managed to crash not one,
but two tanks after breaking out of his military base. Not surprisingly,
his blood-alcohol content was twice the legal limit.

The DW-WORLD Article

Inside Europe | 21.03.2009 | 07:05

Singing the Praises of Gregorian Chants

Last year a CD of Gregorian chants by Roman Catholic monks in Austria raced up music charts around the world. It was the top classical album in the US and Canada and spent fifteen weeks at Number 1 on Britain’s classical charts. But do you have to be a monk to chant Gregorian?

At a monastery in Florence, a group of enthusiasts are teaching the basics of this ancient music form. Inside Europe took a crash course in Latin and halleluljahs but found out that it’s not as simple as it seems.

Report: Jean di Marino

noun [U] UK
the crime of stealing a vehicle and driving fast and dangerously for fun

noun [C] UK
He was knocked down by a car that was being driven by joyriders (= people who have stolen a car in order to drive it for enjoyment).

noun [C]


━━ n. 歌; (鳥・虫などの)歌; (祈祷書の)聖歌; 詠唱; 単調な話しぶり.
━━ v. 歌う, 吟じる; 単調に話す; たたえ歌う; ほめそやす.
chant・er ━━ n. 詠唱者; 聖歌隊のリーダー; 聖歌隊員; (バグパイプの)主管.

Old Roman chant is a liturgical repertory of melodies which survives in MSS of the 11th-13th centuries but can be traced to at least the 8th. It is no longer thought that ‘Gregorian’ chant represents Roman chant in the time of Gregory (590-604) but that it originated in the Frankish Empire c 800, with the introduction of the Roman liturgy there; Old Roman chant was the Roman version of this Gregorian chant. The Roman tradition continued to develop until the 11th century, absorbing certain Frankish elements; it was finally ousted by Gregorian chant in Rome in the high Middle Ages. Standard melodic formulae and melismas are less clearly outlined and less stable in some parts of the Old Roman repertory, and the melodic lines have less flexibility than in Gregorian chant.

Inside Europe | 29.03.2008 | 15:05

Austrian monks celebrate the record deal of a lifetime

An Austrian group has won a major recording contract with Universal Music.

The group was selected after a world-wide competition and their first recording is expected to be an instant hit. But this is no new-wave band - in fact it can claim an 800 year old tradition - because it's the monks of Heiligenkreuz Abbey near Vienna who've been chosen by Universal Music to record their Gregorian chants. Kerry Skyring reports.

LIFETIME was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.


