noun [U] (ALSO crack cocaine) SLANG
a pure and powerful form of the drug cocaine:
Several kilos of crack were found in her luggage.
a crack addict
難怪很多人不坐在電腦前便生怕漏掉重要(或不那麼重要)的信息,需要每隔幾分鐘查一下黑莓,變成黑莓上癮者。黑莓手機也被冠以“可卡因莓”的綽號 (Crackberry被評為2006年韋氏大詞典年度新詞)。我承認我就是個黑莓上癮者,但因為現在不需要象做記者時那樣每天追新聞,查看郵件的頻率已 經沒有以前那麼頻繁了。
The devices are very popular with some businesses, where they are primarily used to provide e-mail access to roaming employees.
roam Show phonetics
verb [I + adverb or preposition; T]
to move about or travel, especially without a clear idea of what you are going to do:
After the pubs close, gangs of youths roam the city streets.
She roamed around America for a year, working in bars and restaurants.
Wikipedia article "BlackBerry".
The ability to read e-mail that is received in realtime, anywhere, has made the BlackBerry devices infamously addictive, earning them the nickname "CrackBerry". Use of the term CrackBerry became so wide spread that in November 2006 Webster's dictionary named "crackberry" the "New Word of the Year".
Within the company, various model families are named after