On December 22, "Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun" or "Prélude à l'apres-midi d'un faune" composed by Claude Debussy premiered in Paris. It is one of Debussy's most famous works and is considered a turning point in the history of Western art music.
Bronny James’ Cardiac Arrest Was Caused by a Congenital Heart Defect
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864–1901). At the Moulin Rouge: The Dance (1890)
Oil on canvas (115.6 cm × 149.9 cm). Philadelphia Museum of Art: The Henry P. Mcllhenny Collection in memory of Frances P. Mcllhenny, 1986
When he was 13, his life began to change: "I fell off a low chair onto the floor and broke my left thigh," he wrote a friend. After a long convalescence, he could only walk lopsidedly "like a duck." Fifteen months later, he fell again: "The second fracture was caused by a fall scarcely heavier than the first" (3). Henri, it appeared, had some unknown bone disease, a congenital condition, possibly pycnodysostosis (4). Despite the best available care and while the rest of his body continued to grow, the legs atrophied. He supported himself on a cane, which was surprisingly short since his trunk and arms were of normal length. Walking caused him pain and embarrassment.
UK /kənˈdʒen.ɪ.təl/ US /kənˈdʒen.ə.t̬əl/a congenital abnormality/disease
club foot
- a congenital先天/生來如此 deformity of the foot, esp one in which the foot is twisted so that most of the weight rests on the heel Technical name talipes
- a foot so deformed
- nautical a boom attached to the foot of a jib
Alternative Forms
convalescence (kŏn'və-lĕs'əns)
n. ━━ n. 回復(期).
- Gradual return to health and strength after illness.
- The period needed for returning to health after illness.
pycnodysostosis 固縮骨發育障礙
IN BRIEF: n. - A form of dwarfism accompanied by fragile bones and bad teeth.