2019年12月22日 星期日

【#逐字學英文國際日報】16: gutter press. vaudeville, snipe, covey of snipe, big money gutter politics, billingsgate, guttersnipe, silver-tongued. Henri Rochefort

Victor Henri Rochefort, Marquis de Rochefort-Luçay (30 January 1831 – 30 June 1913[1]) was a French writer of vaudevilles and politician. He was born in Paris and died in Aix-les-Bains.

External links[edit]

Denmark has voted "no" in a referendum for EU cross-border policing rules. Given Sweden's new migration policy, it may backfire

Paterson Is Set to Name Senate Pick
The announcement followed a day of sniping at Caroline Kennedy, who had announced she was dropping her bid for the Senate seat.

Trivial Pursuits

Enough sniping. Barack Obama should accept John McCain's offer on town hall meetings.
(The Washington Post)

On the Cover of the Sunday Book Review

Reviewed by STEVEN BRILL
John Grisham sticks with his formula in his latest legal thriller, while making an important point about how the justice system is threatened by big-money gutter politics.
big money noun [U] INFORMAL
a large amount of money:
Tournament organizers need to offer big money to attract the top players.



Vaudeville is a theatrical genre of variety entertainment born in France at the end of the 19th century. A vaudeville was originally a comedy without psychological or moral intentions, based on a comical situation: a kind of dramatic composition ...

(BIL-ingz-gayt, -git)

noun: Vulgar, abusive language.

After Billingsgate fish market in London, once notorious for the foul language of its fishmongers. A related word is fishwife, a synonym for a vulgar-tongued woman.

"Kitty Warren is articulate when needed but when threatened or challenged, guttersnipe dialect and billingsgate dominate." — Ted Hadley; Shaw Play Masterfully Tackles Taboo Topics; Buffalo News (New York); Jul 25, 2008.

gut·ter·snipe (gŭt'ər-snīp'pronunciation

  1. A street urchin.
  2. A person of the lowest class.
scruffy and badly behaved child who spends most of their time on the street.

silver-tongued(adjective) Having or exhibiting the power of fluent and persuasive speech.
Synonyms:eloquent, smooth-spoken, fluent, facile
Usage:The silver-tongued politician trounced his opponent in the debate and earned enthusiastic applause from his supporters.

gutter (CHANNEL)
noun [C]
1 the edge of a road where rain flows away

2 an open pipe at the lower edge of a roof which collects and carries away rain

the gutter noun [S]
the lowest level, especially of society:
Born to a poverty-stricken family, she dragged herself out of the gutter to become one of the wealthiest people in Britain today.

guttering  UK
the system of open pipes on a building which collects and carries away raingutter (BURN WEAKLY) [I] LITERARY
(of a flame or candle) to burn unevenly and weakly, especially before completely stopping burning:
a guttering candle

━━ n.(とい); (人道・車道間の)溝(みぞ); 【ボウリング】ガター; (the ~) 貧民街, どん底生活; (本の)のど.
━━ v. 溝を作る; 雨樋を付ける; 溝になる; すじになって流れる; ろうが垂れる; 消えそうに明滅する.
gut・ter・ing ━━ n. 雨樋; 樋の材料.
gutter press (the ~) ((集合的)) 俗悪な新聞.
the type of newspapers that pay more attention to shocking stories about crime and sex than to…. 
意味】(スキャンダル・暴露記事をのせる)低俗な新聞,赤新聞... 【例文】An underground water recovering gutter 16a is preliminarily press molded at the bottom end part of the side wall panel 16 constituting the panel 14.

gutter・snipe 貧民街の子供, 浮浪児; (社会の)最下層の人.

  1. a small flock of birds, especially partridge.
    • a small group of people or things.

      "coveys of actors rushed through the rooms"

snipe (SHOOT)
verb [I]
1 to shoot at someone from a position where you cannot be seen:
The rebels have started sniping at civilians.

2 to criticize someone unpleasantly:
The former minister has been making himself unpopular recently, sniping at his ex-colleagues.

noun [C]
someone who shoots at people from a place where they cannot be seen:
He was shot and fatally injured by a sniper.
Sniper fire has claimed countless lives these past few weeks.

noun [U]


