2024年12月29日 星期日

unthinkable. shape-shifter. Landslides slammed into their town during Hurricane Helene. A Guide to the Movies’ True Shapeshifter

M.C. Escher - The Graphic Work
Escher's Art. Presenting the structurally unthinkable as though it were a law of nature



shape-shift·​er ˈshāp-ˌshif-tər 
one that seems able to change form or identity at will
especially a mythical figure that can assume different forms (as of animals)
shape-shift  intransitive verb
A shapeshifter is a mythical figure or creature that can change its form or identity at willThe idea of shapeshifting is present in many ancient forms of literature and mythology, including the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Iliad. 

Show phonetics
adjective ━━ a. 考えられない; とてもありそうもない, 信じられない.
too shocking or unlikely to be imagined as possible:
You can't imagine what it would be like to have your child die - it's quite unthinkable.

the unthinkable
an unthinkable event or situation:
The unthinkable had happened - his secret activities had been discovered by the press.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

M.C. Escher - The Graphic Work
Escher's Art. Presenting the structurally unthinkable as though it were a law of nature


