The Electoral College remains an anomaly in the American voting system. Here's how it works and why it was originally chosen.
I called this anomaly of a disorganic Literary Class the heart of all other anomalies, at once product and parent; some good arrangement for that would be as the punctum saliens of a new vitality and just arrangement for all. Already, in some European countries, in France, in Prussia, one traces some beginnings of an arrangement for the Literary Class; indicating the gradual possibility of such. I believe that it is possible; that it will have to be possible.
On Heroes and Hero Worship
by Thomas Carlyle
期刊撤稿觀察網站Retraction Watch前晚刊出文章,指英國《攝影測量記錄》(The Photogrammetric Record)期刊編輯,陸續收到三名讀者投訴,指控莊、趙合作一篇關於3D特徵匹配技術的論文,在未載明來源情況下,研究採用的方程式和另名台大土木系教授韓仁毓的五篇論文有部分雷同,期刊在調查後,上月決定公告撤下該篇論文。
Photogrammetry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Photogrammetry is the science of making measurements from photographs, especially for recovering the exact positions of surface points. Moreover, it may be used to recover the motion pathways of designated reference points located on any moving object, on its components and in the immediately adjacent environment.noun
- 1.something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected."there are a number of anomalies in the present system"
- 2.ASTRONOMYthe angular distance of a planet or satellite from its last perihelion or perigee.
A concept from Roland Barthes' book Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography.
1. To show interest.
2. Denoting the cultural, linguistic, and political interpretation of a photograph.
1. To show interest.
2. Denoting the cultural, linguistic, and political interpretation of a photograph.
"I invest them with my studium (which is never my delight or my pain)."
Roland Barthes - Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography (page 28)
Roland Barthes - Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography (page 28)
PunctumL., a point.]
A point. ||Punctum cæcum. [L., blind point.]
(Anat.) Same as Blind spot, under
Punctum proximum, near point. See under
Punctum remotum, far point. See under
Punctum vegetationis [L., point of vegetation]
(Bot.), the terminal cell of a stem, or of a leaf bud, from which new growth originates.
Punctum SaliensLeaping Point: Thus, the essential or most notable point.
這是胎兒的心臟聲之始 起點
Studium is the element that initially gets your attention. It can be colors, a cool background, a pose, really anything. But the punctum is what Roland describes as the thing that "pricks or bruises." It's that rare detail that makes the viewer feel something and pushes the photo even further.Feb 27, 2013
The Basics Of Studium And Punctum In Photo - A Phlearn ...
Urban Dictionary: Studium
Top Definition. Studium. A concept from Roland Barthes' book Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography. 1. To show interest. 2. Denoting the cultural ...
所謂「全域異常現象解析辦公室」(All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office,縮寫AARO),隸屬美國國防部,專門處理難以解釋的異常現象,涵蓋空中、海上及太空中出現的神秘物體。截至2024年底,AARO已收到超過1,600宗報告,其中數百宗可確認為氣球或無人機,但許多案例仍是個謎。