2024年10月31日 星期四

Obama, namesake, keepsake, memento. old medieval adage 'Memento mori' or 'remember you must die'.

Abraham Lincoln’s gold pocket watch, which contains a message secretly engraved by a watchmaker, Jonathan Dillon, who repaired it in 1861.
Left, Smithsonian Institution, via AP; Smithsonian National Museum of American History

Timeless Lincoln Memento Is Revealed

Researchers opened a pocket watch that belonged to Abraham Lincoln and discovered a message secretly engraved there by a watchmaker in 1861.

The award's namesake is Dr. W. Edwards Deming, a 20-year instructor at the School who is known as the father of Total Quality Management. His work has been described as the third stage of the Industrial Revolution and incorporated the idea that employees at all levels of private industry and government have a responsibility to cooperate to produce excellent products and services.

noun [C] plural mementos or mementoes
an object that you keep to remember a person, place or event:
I keep a stone as a memento of our holiday.

It's Halloween, so what better time to recall that old medieval adage 'Memento mori' or 'remember you must die'. This story dates back to the early 1200s, known to some as 'The three living and the three dead'...


Something given or kept; a memento.

noun [C]
a person or thing having the same name as another person or thing

━━ n. 名前, 名称; あだ名; 評判, 名声; 家名, 一門; 虚名, 名目; 有名人; 【コンピュータ】(FORTRANで)名前.
bad [ill] name 悪名, 悪評.
by name 名前は; 名前で; 名を言って.
by [of] the name of … …という名の[で].
call … names 人の悪口をならべる, 人をののしる.
drop name =namedrop.
full name 氏名.
Give it a name. 〔話〕 望みのものを言いなさい ((人に飲み物などをおごる時)).
in all [everything] but name (名義はそうなっていないが)実質的に(は).
in name (only) 名ばかりの; 名義上.
in one's own name (他の名義, 権威を借りずに)自力で, 独立して.
in the name of …の名にかけて; …に代って; …の名義で.
in the name of God / in God's name 神かけて; 一体全体; 後生[お願い]だから.
Keep my name out of it. (著名人などが)名前は出さないでくれ.
make [win] a name (for oneself) [one's name] 名を揚げる.
put a name to …の(正確な)名前を思い出す.
put one's name down for / enter one's name for …の応募者[申込者]として名前を載せる.
take …'s name in vain 人の名をみだりに用いる ((特に神の名を)).
the name of the game 不可欠[肝心,当然]なこと.
to one's name 自分所有の.
under the name (of) …という名[名義]で.
━━ vt. 名をつける; 名を呼ぶ; 指名[指定]する; 述べる; (名指しで)非難する.
name after [〈米〉for] …の名を取って命名する.
name names (特に犯罪関係者などの)名を挙げる.
name the day (行事の)日取りを決める; (特に女性が)結婚式の日を決める.
to name but a few ((副詞的)) (例として)ごく少数の名を挙げると.
you name it 〔話〕 何でもどうぞ; あなたが決めて.
━━ a. 〔話〕 周知の, よく知られた.
name・a・ble ━━ a. 指名しうる; 名状しうる; 記念すべき.
name-calling 口汚いことば; ののしること; 悪口を言うこと.
name clashing 【コンピュータ】名前衝突.
name day 命名日; 聖名祝日.
name・drop ━━ vi. (有名人の名を)親友のようにふれまわる.
name・dropper n.
name・dropping n.
name・less ━━ a. 名のない; 匿名の; 世に知られない; 庶出の (bastard); 言い表せない; 言語道断な.
name・ly ━━ ad. すなわち.
name part =title role.
name・plate 標札, 名札, ネームプレート.
name・sake 同名者 ((特に,他人の名を取って名づけられた人)).
name server 【コンピュータ】ネーム・サーバー.
name table 【コンピュータ】名前テーブル.

おばま をばま 【小浜】


Obama, Japan, roots for accidental namesake

OBAMA, Japan (AFP) — Barack Obama, who has been credited with tapping support in unlikely places, is enjoying a groundswell of enthusiasm in a small city in western Japan, which is delighted to share his name.
Obama, Japan, is rooting for candidate Obama, hoping that if he becomes the US president he will put this ancient fishing town of 32,000 people firmly on the tourist map and, just maybe, choose it for an international summit.
Supporters in Obama -- which means "small shore" in Japanese -- have held parties to watch election results, put up posters wishing the senator luck and plan a special batch of the town's "manju" sweets bearing his likeness.
"At first we were more low-key as Hillary Clinton looked to be ahead, but now we see he is getting more popular," Obama Mayor Toshio Murakami said.
"I give him an 80 percent chance of becoming president," the 75-year-old said with a proud grin.
Murakami sent a letter last year to Obama, enclosing a set of lacquer chopsticks, a famous product of this town on the Sea of Japan (East Sea) in Fukui prefecture's Wakasa region.
"I will present you the chopsticks of Wakasa paint and I am glad if you use it habitually," Murakami said in the English-language letter. "I wish you the best of health and success."
Murakami noted that Barack Obama's birthday, August 4, happens to be "Chopsticks Day" in the city.
Obama, who is also a hero in his father's native Kenya, has been gaining in a neck-and-neck race with Clinton, in part by winning over voters in states that rarely back members of their Democratic party.
Murakami is now preparing another package for the candidate that will include a good-luck charm from the local Obama Shrine.
"For the first letter I found his address on the Internet, so I don't know if he got it," Murakami said. "But this time I asked the (US) embassy for his exact address, so I'm sure he'll get it."
Lest cynics find the city's efforts naive, it was Obama himself who first drew attention to the connection.
Obama, speaking to Japan's TBS network in December 2006, said that when he flew once to Tokyo, an officer stamping his passport told him of the town.
"He looked up and said, 'I'm from Obama,'" the senator said.
A professor saw the footage and contacted the mayor, who insists that his support for Obama goes beyond just his name.
"It seems to me that President Bush isn't aggressively addressing global warming, but Obama would. And I like how he opposed the Iraq war," he said.
Murakami also hoped a President Obama would sign a peace treaty with North Korea. It is no small issue in Obama, one of the seaside towns where agents from the communist state kidnapped Japanese in the 1970s and 1980s, setting off a long row between the countries.
The election is being closely followed by many in 1,500-year-old Obama, a port nestled by snowy hills that in ancient times supplied food to the emperor when he lived in Kyoto some 75 kilometres (40 miles) to the south.
"When you look in Obama's eyes and hear his voice, he's very impressive," said resident Rieko Tanaka.
"Hillary is a bit old-fashioned and she's the wife of Bill Clinton, so I think a new person should lead the USA," she said.
Tomoyuki Ueda, 40, a company worker dining at a restaurant serving the town's celebrated mackerel, said it would be healthy for the United States to elect its first African-American president.
"I think both Obama and Hillary are qualified, but if Obama becomes president he could correct problems of racial discrimination," he said.
Seiji Fujihara, a head of the local tourism board, said he has only met a black person once, but believed Obama's election would make the United States "more equal" on racial issues.
Fujihara started a club for self-styled Obama supporters in the city and plans "I love Obama" T-shirts.
"We know we can't vote. But if we send out a message, we can help push him to victory," he said.


