Until last Saturday, Israel acted with impressive level-headedness. Israel must not lose perspective now, in the heat of battle, and should stand down for 48 hours.
The editor was deeply disappointed by my initial draft. Its chief message was this: “Sure, there are dangers. But they’re hugely overhyped by the media. The tales of pedophiles luring children out of their homes are like plane crashes: they happen extremely rarely, but when they do, they make headlines everywhere. The Internet is just another facet of socialization for the new generation; as always, common sense and a level head are the best safeguards.”
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China’s Leader Meets the Press, but Only on His Country’s Very Narrow Terms
By JIM YARDLEYPresident Hu Jintao’s press conference on Friday was the first he has held in Beijing in the six years he has served as China’s top leader.
analytic and enumerative(SEARCHABLE)
analytic and enumerative statistical這個詞條這個詞條取自您的舊網站
analytical (-ĭ-kəl)
Google Generation Lacks Analytical Skills
Despite The Internet, Google Generation Lacks Analytical Skillsanalytic v enumerative(SEARCHABLE)
Euclidean geometry, elementary geometry of two and three dimensions (plane and solid geometry), is based largely on the Elements of the Greek mathematician Euclid (fl. c.300 B.C.). In 1637, René Descartes showed how numbers can be used to describe points in a plane or in space and to express geometric relations in algebraic form, thus founding analytic geometry, of which algebraic geometry is a further development (see Cartesian coordinates).
第 132 頁
Application to enumerative studies is mostly correct, but application to analytic problems — planning for improvement of tomorrow's run, next year 's crop -- is unfortunately, however, in many texts deceptive and misleading. ...
第 312 頁
... for analytic purposes (such as to improve a process), distributions and calculations of mean, mode, standard deviation, chi-square, /-test, ...
[Cf. F. énumératif.]
Counting, or reckoning up, one by one.
Enumerative of the variety of evils.Jer. Taylor.
- Of or relating to analysis or analytics.
- Dividing into elemental parts or basic principles.
- Reasoning or acting from a perception of the parts and interrelations of a subject: “Many of the most serious pianists have turned toward more analytic playing, with a renewed focus on the architecture and ideas of music” (Annalyn Swan).
- Expert in or using analysis, especially in thinking: an analytic mind; an analytic approach. See synonyms at logical.
- Logic. Following necessarily; tautologous: an analytic truth.
- Mathematics.
- Using, subjected to, or capable of being subjected to a methodology involving algebra or other methods of mathematical analysis.
- Proving a known truth by reasoning from that which is to be proved.
- Linguistics. Expressing a grammatical category by using two or more words instead of an inflected form.
- Psychoanalytic.
an・a・lyt・ic, an・a・lyt・i・cal
━━ a. 分解[分析,解析](的)の.
analytical chemistry 分析化学.
analytical engine 【コンピュータ】解析機関 ((19世紀に開発された現代のコンピュータの原形)).
analytical geometry 解析幾何学.
analytical graphics 【コンピュータ】(解析的な)グラフ ((棒グラフ,折れ線グラフ,円グラフなど)).
analytic language 【言】分析的言語.
analytic process 分析過程; (原料の)分解工程.
analytic psychology 分析心理学.
analytical chemistry 分析化学.
analytical engine 【コンピュータ】解析機関 ((19世紀に開発された現代のコンピュータの原形)).
analytical geometry 解析幾何学.
analytical graphics 【コンピュータ】(解析的な)グラフ ((棒グラフ,折れ線グラフ,円グラフなど)).
analytic language 【言】分析的言語.
analytic process 分析過程; (原料の)分解工程.
analytic psychology 分析心理学.
- Of or relating to analysis or analytics.
- Dividing into elemental parts or basic principles.
- Reasoning or acting from a perception of the parts and interrelations of a subject: “Many of the most serious pianists have turned toward more analytic playing, with a renewed focus on the architecture and ideas of music” (Annalyn Swan).
- Expert in or using analysis, especially in thinking: an analytic mind; an analytic approach. See synonyms at logical.
- Logic. Following necessarily; tautologous: an analytic truth.
- Mathematics.
- Using, subjected to, or capable of being subjected to a methodology involving algebra or other methods of mathematical analysis.
- Proving a known truth by reasoning from that which is to be proved.
- Linguistics. Expressing a grammatical category by using two or more words instead of an inflected form.
- Psychoanalytic.
The actual definition of analysis and synthesis was orthodox: [ T]hcrc are two kinds of method, one for discovering truth, which is called analysis, ...
analyse UK, US analyze
verb [T]
to study or examine something in detail, in order to discover more about it:
Researchers analysed the purchases of 6300 households.
Water samples taken from streams were analysed for contamination by chemicals.
noun [C or U] plural analyses
when you analyse something:
Chemical analysis revealed a high content of copper.
I was interested in Clare's analysis of (= examination of and judgment about) the situation.
the press (NEWSPAPERS) group noun [S]
newspapers and magazines, and those parts of television and radio which broadcast news, or reporters and photographers who work for them:
The incident has been widely reported in the press.
press reports/coverage
press reporters/photographers
the local/national press
The charity invited the press (= reporters and photographers) to a presentation of its plans for the future.
The press was/were out in force at the awards ceremony.
The freedom of the press (= the right of newspapers to publish news and opinions without being controlled by the government) must be upheld.
noun [S or U]
the judgment that is given of someone or something in the newspapers or on radio or television:
What kind of press did his play get?
UK The play has had a good/bad press.
US The play has had good/bad press.
press conference noun [C]newspapers and magazines, and those parts of television and radio which broadcast news, or reporters and photographers who work for them:
The incident has been widely reported in the press.
press reports/coverage
press reporters/photographers
the local/national press
The charity invited the press (= reporters and photographers) to a presentation of its plans for the future.
The press was/were out in force at the awards ceremony.
The freedom of the press (= the right of newspapers to publish news and opinions without being controlled by the government) must be upheld.
noun [S or U]
the judgment that is given of someone or something in the newspapers or on radio or television:
What kind of press did his play get?
UK The play has had a good/bad press.
US The play has had good/bad press.
a meeting at which a person or organization makes a public statement and reporters can ask questions
level-headed Show phonetics
calm and able to deal easily with difficult situations
WordNet: levelheaded
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words. The adjective has one meaning:
Meaning #1: exercising or showing good judgment
Synonyms: healthy, intelligent, sound