2023年2月22日 星期三

fridge, refrigerator, Fridge-Raid, refrigerated, Cooling center, cold makes heat, cool place to do hot research, Make Heat Pretty Cool

"It's not like the Covid patients are gone," ICU nurse Brittany Smart said. "It's not like they're not dying. It's just that we no longer need a refrigerated truck outside, is the deal."

Coronavirus Makes Cooling Centers Risky, Just as Scorching Weather Hits

Officials are scrambling to find ways to protect residents against dueling threats of extreme heat and the coronavirus.

IBM's Summit supercomputer occupies 520 square metres of floor space. The new CS-1 is the size of a fridge

Fridges account for a lot of plastic waste globally. So what if old ones could be recycled into new ones? It's not as easy as you might think - but one UK plant might have a solution.
Read more: bbc.in/37OyVIh

‘only 13 per cent of CFC refrigerant was being recovered from domestic fridges’

 refrigerator とは【意味】冷蔵庫,冷却装置.冰箱 

to raid the fridge. MEANING. to go to a place that has supplies of food or drink and take some because you are hungry: If you raid the fridge or the larder, you take food from it to eat instead of a meal or in between meals. EXAMPLE SENTENCES.

2008  我們看末句'cool"之雙關(pun)

在本文中主要採用cool (COLD)
所以其研發機會是 cool (FASHIONABLE)
cool was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.

German Scientists Make Heat Pretty Cool

The refrigerator of the future will run on heat, not costly electricity, according to a team of innovative scientists in Germany.

The research could be a boon in hot countries where fridges and air-conditioning systems are vital, say the group of young scientists working at the Innovationszentrum Wiesenbusch Gladbeck (IWG), in cooperation with the University of Applied Science in nearby Gelsenkirchen.
"If you've ever had to go behind your refrigerator, you may have noticed that cold makes heat," said Rainer Braun, a professor at IWG. "That is, the apparatus which keeps your food cold is often too hot to touch. Why, then, can't heat make cold?"
"Anybody can produce heat by producing coolness," Braun said. "But we at IWG are the only ones producing coolness from heat."

Hot newsBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Hot countries may be particularly interested in the new cooling technology
It is a question of particular importance in hot countries, where food goes bad quickly and interiors need air-conditioning.
The problem is, though, that cooling is very energy-intensive, and can put stress on electrical generation systems. So why not look to the biggest source of energy available: the sun?
The principle of solar cooling, the so-called ammoniac-water absorption technique, has been known since 1810.
In Gladbeck, this idea has been extrapolated to the idea of using warmth from other processes such as the heat of baking ovens.

Cutting-edge facilities
The German scientists have developed a prototype which very soon could be cooling a cold storage plant in Morocco this way. Another pilot facility in Gladbeck uses the warmth of a gas turbine to air-condition a lecture hall.
Currently, the IWG is actively recruiting technology companies to rent space in their buildings in northwest Germany which include some six universities and schools of applied science as well as several international airports.
"At the risk of committing an awful pun, it's a cool place to do some hot research," Braun said.

cooling center is an air-conditioned public space set up by local authorities to temporarily deal with the health effects of a heat wave. Cooling centers are meant to prevent hyperthermia caused by heat, humidity, and poor air quality. Cooling ...


