rehearse Show phonetics
1 [I or T] to practise a play, a piece of music, etc. in order to prepare it for public performance:
The musicians rehearsed (the symphony) for the concert.
FIGURATIVE On her way to her interview she silently rehearsed what she would say.
2 [T] FORMAL When someone rehearses a story or an argument, they repeat it with all the details:
These are arguments that I've heard rehearsed at meetings many times before.
rehearsal Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
a time when all the people involved in a play, dance, etc. practise in order to prepare for a performance:
They didn't have time for (a) rehearsal before the performance.
He's a producer with three plays in rehearsal.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
Taiwan's Cloud Gate Dance Theater rehearsal studio destroyed in fire
© AP
2008-02-11 06:26:41 -
TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) - A fire Monday destroyed the rehearsal studio, equipment and production archive of Taiwan's Cloud Gate Dance Theater, the dance company said. No one was injured.
Cloud Gate, known for fusing traditional Chinese influences and modern dance, said the overnight fire probably was caused by cables and that it consumed the interior of its 661-square-meter (7,115-square-foot) studio. The roof crumbled, and the walls were blackened.
«Everything was destroyed,» dance company founder Lin Hwai-min said. «We lost our costumes, props, and the production archive tracking back to 1975.
He said Cloud Gate suffered «immeasurable» losses.
Cloud Gate planned to stick to its tour schedule for this year, the company said in a statement. The company is slated to perform in New York in April, and then go on a seven-week tour in Europe.
The company was founded in 1973. Among is best known works is the «Cursive» trilogy, inspired by Chinese brush calligraphy.
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雲 門舞集排練室慘遭祝融,豁達的林懷民把這場火當成老天對雲門的磨練,林懷民說沒有時間掉淚,而且「人生順的時候要謙虛,不順的時候要接受」。不過他也認為 焦點應該擺在整個藝文環境生態,他更少見的嚴詞批評政府對表演團體的投資不夠,像是今年文建會扶植表演團隊的經費只有一億元,少到「很可笑」。 從昨天趕到火場,林懷民忙了一整天,今天早上又帶著團員開工、與技術組人員開會。林懷民身為團員的精神支柱,對著趕來關心的早期團員金枝演社導演王榮裕,林懷民抱著他、拍拍肩膀,用台語說「嘸免驚,驚無效」。 重建計畫 自己也沒答案 看起來略顯疲憊的林懷民忙進忙出,雖然歷經創團以來的重大挑戰,但他面對磨難的正面態度也很令外界印象深刻,他說忙了一天,「昨晚睡得很好。」 林懷民說,要做的事太多了,沒有時間流眼淚,雖然面對外界問他重建的計畫,他自己也沒有答案,但是他說每一天都是一個磨練,「人生順的時候要謙虛,不順的時候要接受」。 林懷民也鼓勵團員說,這是一個新的開始,回到最初堅持的夢想,重新創造自己。可是現在比起以前經驗豐富多了,雖然有影響、排練也不方便,但是相信一定可以順利走過這個難關。 火燒的不僅是雲門問題 不過這場大火也讓外界看到,名滿國際的雲門卻是在鐵皮工廠下築夢,林懷民也說,這場火燒的不僅是雲門的問題,更應該看到整個藝文環境的生態不佳。雲門16年來都棲身在鐵皮屋下工作,歐美人更是覺得匪夷所思,但是在國內卻是覺得「幸福得不得了」,十分諷刺。 |