Wine and health
Of sommeliers and stomachs
Jul 3rd 2008
From The Economist print edition
Red wine exercises its benefits before it enters the bloodstream
FINE food sings on the palate, but pairing it with the right wine creates a chorus. Among those in the know, the plum, chocolate and spice flavours of Cabernet Sauvignons, Merlots, Pinot Noirs and Sangioveses best accentuate the rich flavours of red meats. Now, however, a group of researchers led by Joseph Kanner of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has discovered that pairing red wines like these with red meat appears to be more than just a matter of taste. If the two mix in the stomach, compounds in the wine thwart the formation of harmful chemicals that are released when meat is digested.
accentuateverb [T]
to emphasize a particular feature of something or to make something more noticeable:
Her dress was tightly belted, accentuating the slimness of her waist.
The new policy only serves to accentuate the inadequacy of provision for the homeless.
noun [U]
(sŭm'əl-yā', sô'mə-lyā')
ソムリエ 【(フランス) sommelier】
sommelier, -ière m, f, f sommelier, wine waiter
(from Dictionnaire Cambridge Klett Compact)