2020年3月29日 星期日

shutdown, get (or have) one's (own) way, meat (INTEREST), open (AVAILABLE), shut (sth) down

Nokia to shut down factory in Germany to move elsewhere in EU

Finnish mobile handset maker Nokia has announced that it will close
its manufacturing plant in Germany this year and move to more
competitive locations elsewhere in Europe. The decision means that
2,300 employees who work at the Bochum plant will lose their jobs.
Just over a year ago, 3,000 jobs were lost when Siemens mobile
handset unit BenQ shut down its three German factories.

2008.1.22 Trade Union Talks with Nokia Fruitless, German Plant to Close

The German trade union IG Metall said Tuesday, Jan. 22, that its
talks with Finnish cell-phone maker Nokia had been unsuccessful, but
vowed to continue the fight to keep a German factory open.

Bochum plant (Nokia)


Those qualities have carried into later repertories as well, in performances of Schoenberg, Debussy, Bartok, Messiaen and beyond. And they will undoubtedly shine through Ms. Uchida’s Carnegie Hall recital on Friday night, a typically meaty serving of Bach, Schubert and Schumann generously laced with works by the contemporary Hungarian Gyorgy Kurtag.

Factories in Europe, North America and Asia must cope not only with uncertain supplies of parts from China but also with sick workers and a dizzying array of local and national shutdowns

A Friday shutdown of the Homeland Security agency is looking increasingly likely because House Republicans insist on gutting the President’s legal protections for as many as five million undocumented immigrants, including children. Remember all the assurances from GOP leaders that they would never again force another government shutdown like last year’s? The fact is, they have no control over the Tea Party anarchists in their ranks. Shutting the government if they don’t get their way – even the Department of Homeland Security, at a time when terrorist threats must be taken seriously – is not an act of “patriots” as they call themselves. I have a different word for people who hate the government of the United States and will stop at nothing to stop it functioning. What do you call them?

get (or have) one's (own) way

Get or do what one wants in spite of opposition:she got her way about going to art school

meat (INTEREST) noun [U]

important, valuable or interesting ideas or information:
It was a nicely written article and quite amusing but there wasn't much meat to it.

having a lot of important or interesting ideas:
a meaty book/letter/report
She has written some wonderfully meaty parts for older actresses.

adjective [after verb]
available; not limited:
There are still several possibilities open to you.
The competition is open to anyone over the age of sixteen.
Is the library open to the general public?
Their whole attitude to these negotiations is open to criticism (= can be criticized).
I'd like to think I'm open to (= willing to consider) any reasonable suggestion.
An accident would lay the whole issue of safety open (= cause it to be considered).

verb [T]
to make something available:
This research opens (up) the possibility of being able to find a cure for the disease.
The country is planning to open (up) its economy to foreign investment.

noun [C]
a job or an opportunity to do something:
There's an opening for an editorial assistant in our department.

shut (sth) down phrasal verb [M]
If a business or a large piece of equipment shuts down or someone shuts it down, it stops operating:
The company plans to shut down four factories and cut 10 000 jobs.
The crew shut down the right-hand engine of the aircraft.

noun [C]
when a business or large piece of equipment stops operating, usually for a temporary period:
It's just a regular maintenance shutdown.

The emergency shutdown procedure was activated.


