The verb kick the bucket has one meaning:
Meaning #1: die (colloquial)Synonyms: buy the farm, conk, drop dead, pop off, choke, croak, snuff it
Two men (Freeman and Nicholson) discovered they both are terminally ill in the hospital and decides to fulfill their personal desires through "The Bucket List" before they "kick the bucket." It's their story of personal fulfillment and self discovery before their time passes.
Die, as in All of my goldfish kicked the bucket while we were on vacation.
This moderately impolite usage has a disputed origin. Some say it refers to committing suicide by hanging, in which one stands on a bucket, fastens a rope around one's neck, and kicks the bucket away.
A more likely origin is the use of bucket in the sense of "a beam from which something may be suspended" because pigs were suspended by their heels from such beams after being slaughtered, the term kick the bucket came to mean "to die." [Colloquial; late 1700s]